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Posts posted by lilyadore

  1. Nowhere so far, been on the waiting list and still no phone call yet :(

    If it's just one ST you need, call the ticket office and you'll get one. Waiting list is only for 2 or more I think.

    Yeah, it's just the one ticket. I signed up to the waiting list months ago and it said they would contact me if I was successful but there's been nowt so far. I might give them a ring next week.

  2. "nacho novo, with one kick of the ball, to send rangers to manchester."


    (tu) "Manchester, brace yourself! RANGERS ARE COMING!... The Scots are heading for Manchester, and you know what? Manchester might not be big enough!"

    Fucking brilliant moment.

  3. It's actually quite upsetting watching that YouTube clip and trying to think where we could find a similar player from nowadays.

    Agree, it's rather a depressing thought.

    The 5-0 gubbing of Motherwell in that clip was my first ever game at Ibrox and he was out of this world. Various points over the past season where I would have quite happily had him back in the team, even at 39!

  4. One of the best pieces of commentary i've ever heard

    "Manchester brace yourself


    I loved the ITV4 commentary - I had a few videos of the penalties favourited on YouTube, but they got taken down "under a copyright claim from UEFA". There's a few more vids up now again, don't know how long they'll last though.

    I never get tired of watching that effort by wee Nacho and everyone running across the pitch :D

  5. From the Clyde website:

    Prices Set for Rangers Friendly

    Fri, 20th Jun 2008 4:04pm

    The club have agreed ticket prices with Rangers FC for the friendly match on July 22nd at Broadwood.

    Adult tickets will cost just £10 and concession (under-12s and over-65s) tickets just £5.

    Ticket sales are expected to begin week commencing July 7th, with further details on how to buy them to follow soon.

    Demand is expected to be high for the match that will feature a one-off appearance of Brian Laudrup for Clyde. Gers fans will be allocated the West Stand, South Stand and a section of the Main Stand.

  6. Thanks guys, would be nice to see Brian & Jorg again as I couldn't make it to the 10th anniversary game last year

    Same (tu) I just hope it's easy enough to get tickets! I couldn't make it to the 9IAR match last year either and was gutted

    Plus, it's my wee bro's 21st that week and he grew up with those guys as his absolute idols (they still are), so getting him a ticket for that would probably mean more to him that any other shitey present I could come up with :)

  7. Sorry, I'm not going to believe this unless someone shows me the CCTV footage timed 11am.

    If this were true, how come no-one I've spoken to, and NOTHING I've read so far (whether fans, locals, statements from the police etc) have mentioned anything about this up until this "dossier" was released? Surely someone would have been aware of this so-called "rioting" during the day and would have mentioned it, especially considering the number of websites and forums we have been absolutely torn apart on about this. There were so many reporters around the fanzones doing pieces for the local news, but still nothing gets mentioned. Everything so far has been about how trouble kicked off after the screen went down.

    Being in and around the city centre and fanzones for the afternoon, I saw no hint of trouble, and neither did any of the people I knew who were there. Rubbish, yes. Lack of toilets, yes. Pished people, yes. Rioting, no. The atmosphere was great during the day and the police were all laid back and friendly - if there had been rioting before this, I doubt they would have been acting like that.

    Something about this smells very much like GMP trying to get themselves off the hook here. "Oh, it doesn't matter that we let too many people in to the fanzones, didn't police it well, and had a total lack of organization etc etc. There was rioting before all that!"

    Hmm. <_<

  8. I thought it was Follow follow

    I'm sure it was RM, it was only on for seconds ? :sherlock:

    Jamie saw what you saw as well. Says it was RM for sure. Not sure what other links people are getting, but the report he saw was for sure RM.

    I was sure it was RM too - the layout and colours etc were identical. They scrolled down the page pretty quickly but it was definitely Muffger's logo. The only thing that made me think otherwise was at the top of the page, I'm sure it didn't have the RangersMedia banner at the very top we all see, I thought it was something else. Whatever was at the top of the page looked different??

  9. Purely for sentimental reasons, it'd have to be the 96/97 home strip, since it was the one we had when we won 9IAR and when I still used to go to all the games with my dad. It was also the first time I could afford a strip, I was 14/15 at the time and I remember saving up for AGES!

    I got a long sleeved one like Brian Laudrup's, and thought I was the bee's knees. :D

  10. I remember the reception he got by the crowd outside Ibrox when he signed for us, and I've still got his autograph pinned on my wall from when we met him outside the stadium in 1996. He blethered to us for ages and was such a top bloke. I remember him asking us loads of stuff and he seemed to genuinely take an interest. (tu) It's heartbreaking to see the pictures of him in the paper recently, I just hope he gets all the help he needs and gets well soon.


    We met him not that long after this:

  11. Made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when the whole stadium sang it near the end of the Motherwell game at Ibrox.

    know of any vids to it mate??? never seen that one :D

    FUCK THE SPL :harhar:

  12. I've only been in at work an hour and have already had one of the tims I used to work beside making a special trip in here to parade around with his scumtic flag and scarf... funnily enough he never makes an appearance unless they've won something, and was also too busy going on about us losing to Aberdeen than them winning the league

    Fucking knobend. Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out :angry2:

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