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Posts posted by bluejeff

  1. After all these continual daily revelations , it seems that we've been royaly shafted by those supposedly "doing the right thing" for our great club.

    I got to wondering , if this can happen to the Rangers as easily as it appears to have happened ( right under our noses for the last 15 or so years) then surely it must be happening to other clubs ?

    I find it hard to believe that we can be the only club that's been duped.

    Anyone else have the same thoughts?

  2. I really feel for the team just now , I was in the same situation at work for the last month - ( I lost my job)

    I can't be there but I hope the fans really get behind them ,

    No matter what - they need us .

    All I'm asking is for each player to give 100%, and If we lose atleast it won't be for the lack of trying.

    Chin up Gers , stand tall , be proud ,YOU have nothing to be ashamed of .


  3. Well, you can roll over and die if you feel that way inclined, but in the event of liquidation, the club will be reformed & carry on. Ideally (in my opinion) in division 3,possibly in the |English league (really doubt that though). Just another chapter in The Rangers history, albeit not a great one. I would still wear my colours with pride and berate taigs the way I always have. Are we supporting a football club or a business plan? Give yerselves a shake guys. We are still the people. Its our club. Its in our hearts. Its in our blood. If you think otherwise, the sight of tarriers going unchallenged on our streets will soon change your minds, of that I have no doubt. We owe it to our 66 absent friends and their families to make sure Rangers live on, whatever happens.

    No Surrender.

    Not now, not ever.

    Excellent post WVB

  4. Lafferty has not got long left on his contract

    Lafferty has never been Consistant.

    Lafferty will be one of our higher paid players

    Lafferty can't play for another 4-6 week

    Lafferty was not accepting his new terms of contract offer .

    He'd in reality be a perfect 'candidate' if there is such a thing to let go.

    The fact that he's on the longterm injury list might save him , I know in the real world if your signed off work longterm then you can't be made redundant .

  5. Time to give these fuckers that are assassinating us at every turn SFA/SPL included a rude awakening, boycott every away game and spend money at Ibrox or your local Juniors, give these fucks a taste of no Rangers fans at their away games, Sky and other tv stations will be embarassed tae fuck showing empty stadia, lets see what happens when Sky turn the screw on the bawbags.

    Do Rangers not get a share of the gate money for away games? Or am I wrong ??

  6. Di Canio is a prick, lennon is a prick, I don't care what either of them have to say about us.

    Just as an aside though, how will their wiin be "fake", take the points deduction out of the equation that's still 7 ahead of us. As much as it pains me to say it, they will have won on merit, or should I say because we fucked it up (the points swing) :rolleyes:

    Was kinda hard to understand but I think he meant if they won by less than 10 points

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