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Posts posted by shnollyRFC

  1. Well done today Boyd, scored an absolutely screamer and kept his head as always for the penalty. His all-round play today was improved too which was encouraging.

    Same again next week big man, the magic number 100 beckons. :21:

    A great achievement hitting 100 for the Teds. Who was the last bear to hit 100 for us?

    Amazingly, it was Mark Hateley!

  2. Lennon, Boruc, McGeady

    (tu) Cant stand any of them but these 3...dirty bastards!! and McGeady because he went for my GIRL mate and his pals had to hold him back..ok she muttered he was such an arsehole but so what :P how dare he say...'do you know who i am?! are you talking to me!'

    I've heard of him doing things like that in the dancing a few times, my brother has seen him knock people's drinks over them and then just give them the fingers and walk away.

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