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Everything posted by Silky10

  1. OK before I rant about the ref and some of his decisions you can save your replies about how we were rotten and we got beat ourselves blah blah blah I'm not disputing that fact. How many fouls is JVH (or his previous Sutton) allowed in one game without even being spoke to? I think possibly he had more than 15 fouls against him last night. Davie Weir stuck out his foot and was booked? Now JVH knows how to throw his arms and elbows into challenges, thats fine because we have the same type of player in McCulloch ... BUT ..... how many times this season have we seen fouls against McCulloch for the exact same challenge? Plenty! Yet that big kunt gets away with it and then assaults Novo with a lunge and continues to barge into our centre halves after it! I'm pretty sure Duncan Ferguson used to get penalised for this type of challenge constantly during his playing career, boy would have have loved to be playing nowadays in green and grey hoops he'd get away with murder! And the wee chubby kunts dive? Well I'll be satisfied if they are still talking about it on the phone in this time next week and he is dragged from pillar to post in the media (as KT will testify) ...... I won't hold my breath though! Robson's forearm smash in the first minute was nothing short of assualt and again is another who ran about constantly fouling for the next 70 odd minutes yet Kirk Broadfoot gets booked for his first tackle? Lets hope all this anger and frustration is fresh in the players heads next Sunday and we use it to get stuck right intae the kunts in a good disciplined fashion that should always be accustomed to our club. Let the great unwashed show themselves for what they are in trying to hit a phuckin doctor with missiles! WATP.
  2. As title says, anyone know the team yet?
  3. Now there have been a few belters and quite frankly all of them are superb however if you were to pick ONE as being the best you've seen then what would you go for? I'd go for Jonas Thern's strike - how he managed to get over the ball and keep it under the crossbar still amazes me - and it set Goram off into the Copland Rd! Magic !
  4. Petty? Yes agree. Have you since heard Boyd dived or Novo was offisde? Yes. Did you hear anything about a foul throw? I bet not! Thing is we hear this and that against us all the time, I am 'merely' pointing out another incident which has not been 'noticed' by the media.
  5. Ok, I don't want to beat on about it (although I am by writing this) however I am pretty sure that about 2 mins before they scored their second goal that Kalvanes had a foul throw. He initiated to throw the ball one way and by that he pulled it all the way over his head still in his hands - is that not a foul throw? Would be good if someone could clarify if they have the game recorded! Just like to point that out seeing as we are a bunch of lucky cheating divers and nothing goes against us!
  6. Just saw this thread. Anywhere in Glasgow we could pick up this CD as I'd like it for the game on Saturday?
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