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Posts posted by ChrisVanDarche

  1. Weir seems to be showing the wear and tear of his age now, but I wouldn't risk replacing him unless he really starts to struggle.

    As for Barry, I would never drop him coz we just don't looks as good without him.

  2. Don't think he aimed it at the Rangers fans, and if it was, I would say he is entitled to do that. Too many fans who think they know it all and are all-to-eager to moan about the team, tactics, Walter, Boydy and Adam, so if he is doing it hes telling them to shut the fu*ck up and let the professionals do their jobs.

  3. Adam played well on Wednesday night, and he played well today. Was at the game and didn't see him do an awful lot wrong; apart from one backheel that didn't come off he did well. McCulloch didn't do a lot when he came on but he has showed that he is a capable player and that he adds to the team on quite a few occasions this season.

    In the end, Walter is the manager, so I have faith in the team he picks and the tactics he picks.


  4. I was gonna post something like this. Its a fucking disgrace the amount of part timers who leave before the final whistle. See it at games all the time - people leave as early as 70 mins played, and by the time the whistle has went there is barely noone left. If people are more concerned with getting to the subway early than supporting the team, they shouldn't even bother coming.

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