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Posts posted by frommetoyou

  1. Can't believe this is slipping onto page 3!!! Party time tomorrow night. Be there or I will be hounding you all :P

    It was interesting to hear the show tonight covering the meeting with Craig Mather and Co. If you missed it then you can catch up on Archive Loyal HERE once Tommy gets it uploaded ;)

    Also, good luck Tommy with your momentary adventure and to Fox and Ian on the temporary take-over whilst Tommy is away :)

    You can trust us to keep it running like a tight wee ship as always ;)

    Is Tommy leaving??
  2. Two Stories Of Contrast From Older Supporters

    We will call him Willie, primarily because that is his name. Willie is only nine years older than me, but that nine years holds more to it due to what I recount below. He tells this story now with the same face from whence I first heard it. There is a kind of emptiness behind his normally laughing eyes. I was going to pen my own words for this part of the story, but as he has already had articles printed for him in various publications, I will leave it to an article that the Herald printed a few years ago. By his own admission it is the better of all the articles he has been a part of and one which he can still read. Here is an excerpt of the article below.

    Fantastic read.Shed a few tears.

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