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Posts posted by cnicholl2910

  1. Before i say this, we still have a problem obviously, especially at away games - nobody can deny that and we have chanted songs we shouldn't have but its not as bad as it was before... though it still gets sung.

    Big jock Knew/ Famine song and now the hokey cokey have all been negative for us in the press but what baffles me is for there is no mention of the singing from them at away games and even at parkhead occasionally

    Tynecastle, fir Park and St mirren on saturday.....references to free derry, bobby sands, england your a monster and their reprisal of gibralter songs...

    Why does nothing get said about them singing this??

    Any evidence to back up your claim ? :rolleyes:

    We all know it still goes on and we all hear it mate...

    Im at the away games every other week and i have no idea what you are on about mate ? <cr>

    Not going to argue with you mate.... if your saying there is no secterian singing at our away games, thats your opinion

  2. Before i say this, we still have a problem obviously, especially at away games - nobody can deny that and we have chanted songs we shouldn't have but its not as bad as it was before... though it still gets sung.

    Big jock Knew/ Famine song and now the hokey cokey have all been negative for us in the press but what baffles me is for there is no mention of the singing from them at away games and even at parkhead occasionally

    Tynecastle, fir Park and St mirren on saturday.....references to free derry, bobby sands, england your a monster and their reprisal of gibralter songs...

    Why does nothing get said about them singing this??

    Any evidence to back up your claim ? :rolleyes:

    We all know it still goes on and we all hear it mate...

  3. Broadfoot wasn't dropped, he has been carrying an injury so it was whitt's chance... he played well and needs a run in the team but brodfoot is preffered.......mendes was always coming in when fit....davis turned up today, UNLIKE BLUDDY WEDNESDAY!!

    Pleased with Aaron....a run in the team will benefit this guy and his confidence will soar...me hopes...

    Lafferrty needs to be played as a stricker and if that means boyd getting droppped, smith will...we have seen it so many times....

    Look at lafferty's work rate compared to boyd's - no argument.... nobody knows if lafferty will be the real deal until next seaon when he settles in and get games reguarly.....

  4. Before i say this, we still have a problem obviously, especially at away games - nobody can deny that and we have chanted songs we shouldn't have but its not as bad as it was before... though it still gets sung.

    Big jock Knew/ Famine song and now the hokey cokey have all been negative for us in the press but what baffles me is for there is no mention of the singing from them at away games and even at parkhead occasionally

    Tynecastle, fir Park and St mirren on saturday.....references to free derry, bobby sands, england your a monster and their reprisal of gibralter songs...

    Why does nothing get said about them singing this??

  5. Whittacker is a player i feel has still alot to prove....broadfoot is really the first choice in smith's eyes.....whittacker has failed to live up to his form at hibs..... i DO feel if he got a decent run in the team ( say smith said to him - right you have 6 games in the team - its your chance to get that right back spot yours ) he would fully benift from a decent run....

    I feel its his confidence thats the problem with him and sometimes when the team is under pressure....he is very scared of making a mistake on the balla nd maybe feels he could a possible scape goat for a bad result or losing a goal for example.

  6. In home games why do we need a 4 defenders and a holding midfielder???

    For example , ICT had nothing going at us down the wings and had 10 men behind the ball making it harder for us to brake down as there isnt a massive amount of space to play in. so why could we not sacrifice broadfoot and star lafferty or whoever? ask davis to slot back to right back on the rare occasion ICT were coming out of there own half? it seems like common sense to me yet we play with four defenders up until the penalty!!

    Substitutions - why do we have to wait til after 60 minutes til a sub can be brought on! it clearly wasnt working last night and shouldve been changed at half time! Boyd was hopeless and should never have lasted 90 mins and dont get me stared on broadfoot, complete waste of space!!!

    Exactly what I mentioned in a previous topic of going 3-4-3 or 3-5-2 atatcking with width....our opponents play with 5 at the back or in midfiled - why cant we do that and make it really hard for them - Can believe wife beater ross tolkley got such an easy ride last night....

    Last night we could have just done with weir, bougherra and papac as the back seen as edu was sitting in front of them!!

  7. A small rumour from someone I know in london is that alan curbishley has been sounded out as a potential manager for the job, wether its soon or a few years down the line.... the latter me thinks

    Murray apparently said before " Highly-rated Curbishley has impressed from afar with his ability to organise sides against the odds and bring out the best in teams on a sensible budget"

    Dont jump down the throat but thats something I have heard.....persoanlly I believe it will be either Mccoist or Levein...

    Thought I would share.

  8. It is absolutely no coincidence. Mendes is the player who links everything from defence to attack, our lynchpin. He has the quality to make those killer passes which has been lacking in his absence and thus we are creating less chances as a result.

    With Ferguson and Edu we have two central midfielders sitting maybe ten yards infront of the defence for most of the game. Now you couple that with the fact that we have another two central players in the wide positions and you have a situation where the strikers are going to recieve minimum service and support. That is what happened last night.

    The difference in having Mendes there is not only the quality of service he provides the strikers with but he also pushes our entire midfield forward by involving them in the play higher up the park. We have missed him dearly in the past two games and i shudder to think what our chances would be against Celtic if he wasn't back in time.

    You can see it and so can I...why cant our bluddy manager

  9. Typical Rangers - we sign a black player with no pace!!

    I thought he was way too happy to let the opposition run at him, then I thought he looke uncomfortable with that.... nice tidy one touch passes across the middle of the park with no pressure on him is easy - I could do it!!

    I think behind the walls of secret - eangera nticipated selling thommo to England for 4-5 million and edu replacing him.

    We need a creative midfilder badly!!

    it got to about 70mins and when i looked at it last night i said to the guy next to me there is a player we are missing there and its Gomis from dundee united.

    Id take him over Edu any day.

    Edu, arghhhhh its just the way he walks around, i dont see him running to a ball or to a tackle infact hes shite scared of getting tackled

    Games like that last night we could do with a player of his quality but if he came, all the questions would be asked " Is he good enoguh for us" He lacks something...a nd the usual bla bla bla!!

    We missed mendes last night

  10. Typical Rangers - we sign a black player with no pace!!

    I thought he was way too happy to let the opposition run at him, then I thought he looke uncomfortable with that.... nice tidy one touch passes across the middle of the park with no pressure on him is easy - I could do it!!

    I think behind the walls of secret - eangera nticipated selling thommo to England for 4-5 million and edu replacing him.

    We need a creative midfilder badly!!

  11. what was the idiot aiming for or purely frustration?

    Doesn't matter he should be banned. The stewards at ibrox are quite happy to pull people up for singin songs but whenever a real incident like this happens they are no-where to be seen.

    Very true... just wondering what the hellw as going through his heed when throwing it - we all get frustration

  12. When we are struggling in games like last night, who can we turn to spark that little bit of magic and creativity? When we need to win a game and the pressure is on, who can we rely on and if we are on a bad run - who can pull us out of it

    Boyd - when he gets some decent service and defenders give him room to move - he will score

    Miller - Good energy, good runs but not a goalscorer

    Novo - sometimes - inconsistent most of the times but walter doesnt give him a decent run

    Ferguson - I will say this to I am blue in the face - this man isn't an atatcking midfileder

    Mendes - Yes there has been a few times - But there also has been a few games when you are left wondering about him not turning it on every week...

    We need a player who takes the game by the scruff of the neck and get those so called " players " showing absolute no respect to the opposition and bombarding them with constant pressure and showing them nothing in a game. Maybe our captain should be doing that but I feel Barry is let down with what is around him - We miss thomson badly in that engine to get things moving

    Free-kicks and corners - Fucking terrible - WOULD LOVE TO WATCH RANGERS PRACTICE THEM!!

    When you look across the city - they have got palyers, at different times in a game or a bad run that they can rely on more than we have i.e - mcdonald, nakamura, mcgeady, maloney, hesselink/samaras, brown and even barry robson/hartley

    We badly need to some urgency, passion and CREATIVITY to win this league

  13. Take the 4-2 game at parkhead - thomson doing the dirty work with mendes creating....

    I would love to meet the person who has told captain barry that he is an attacking midfielder - young barry was an inspiration in the holding / sitting midfield with tugay / reyna/albertz/von bronkhorst in front of him those years ago ..... he cant shoot, dribble or has great pace - he is a sitting midfileder

    God how many times have we seen it years going by with him running all the way back to take the ball of the toes of the centre backs

  14. Not a diddy cup in my eyes - we have had great success over the years in it and i would rather have it our trophy room than theirs..... i would rather have the day out in the final than them cunts getting a day oot for it.....this year its soo much sweeter that we have them and hopefully it will give the players a good boost by winning it and the possibility of a treble after last year, the quadruple being a possibility with 3 or so games to go....

    It will give us a right boost going into the last few games before the split....then a wee break and lets BRING THIS TITLE HOME!!!

    No Surrender!

  15. Its got to be B..... we cant have 4 in a row and with the financial implications, it could easily lead to trouble in the future for us....

    A - it would stop them doing a potential treble but to have a lead going into the split would be lovely.....even win the league possibly at ibrox against them!!

  16. How difficult is it to see that Celtic are bluddy terrible with pace and fast passing around their 4 lumps that they call a defence!!!

    He has got to play Novo & Miller & even Naismith on the left ... Strickers we lose a place because we need fergie, mendes and davis..... left slot - novo - upfront miller and boyd maybe....

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