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  1. I'm new to this site and couldn't believe a topic I saw wanting to bring back the Billy Boys for the Champions League.The persons reason for bringing it back for the Champions League is that we won't win it so it doesn't matter if we get thrown out of it!!!! Even typing this I'm dumdstruck that a Rangers "fan" wouldn't mind seeing the team banned from europe just so he can sing a song that although is part of Rangers fans history has nothing to do with football.There are plenty of songs celebrating our great club that we can sing but don't.There is even a Rangers song to the tune of The Billy Boys why don't we sing that
  2. I read a few months ago that the winners of the SPL would play in this summers Peace Cup in Spain.I have been on the website but it has Celtic down as representing Scotland.Does anyone have anymore information as I think it would be a great tournament to play in with teams like Real Madrid Juventus Lyon Fenerbache and Aston Villa some of the teams taking part.The only stumbling block I can see is that the last day clashes with the first day of The Emirates Cup
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