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Posts posted by RANGERST1LLADIE

  1. A lot of talk of Naismith being back up in Glasgow. Ano what happened when he left but if the opportunity came along would you welcome him back? No doubt he's a great player and I have no doubt he'll regret the way things went down when he left. I still think there is a lot we don't and never will never know.

  2. We've made a good start but we've a long way to go. This is a new team and I feel they will only get better. No point in comparing to that mob. Give our players a proper chance to show who they are before we start thinking that way.

  3. Said all along that Law has the potential to be a great player for us. His first 4-5 games for us he was brilliant, bursting forward and running at defenders. Hopefully under better management he can find his was again and show us the player he really is.

  4. It was just asking everyone's opinion. I would and will happily pay full price. I'd pay full price to watch them play on my front garden. As for being thick! I know exactly where we are and how far behind we are so enough of the thick nonsense, I only asked what people thought. Im not trying to starve my club of money we need. I know it would never happen but as I said it's just a question.

  5. What's the point of this thread then? Sounds like you want a pat on the back rather than a discount. Maybe the club could give you a little badge that says 'uber fan' on it and that'll make you happy.

    to get people's opinion. If you dont agree you don't agree and that's fair enough. A dont need a badge to be told how big a fan I am. I've shown my love for my club over the years and don't need to prove it to anyone.
  6. That's exactly what they're doing. Thousands of people will have renewed for every season in the lower leagues so this would be a mass discount. I'd be interested to know just how big a discout the OP wants each person to have.

    as a said, I'm not trying to starve us of money. I've payed like everyone has for years. As for discounted prices the last few seasons, are you for real? We were playing division 3 football, what prices did you expect? I would and will happily pay full price when we return to the premiership (would have paid it in division 3).
  7. Should fans who have had their season ticket renewed each year when we were down be rewarded with a cut price season ticket in the premiership? Am not asking for a lot, a know it's a money maker for our club and I also know we'll need the cash but I think our fans should be rewarded for one season at least for showing our loyalty when our club needed us most. I know many fans will return when we make it back and that's up to them but they should pay full season ticket price when they do.

    Just my opinion, what do you all think?

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