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Posts posted by dundeebear3

  1. TBH, after I saw the initial challenge, I was very worried for him and very concerned that he returned to play so soon. I was genuinely focused on his movement with great concern because I remember the time at Hampden when he played on and collapsed. So I watched with fear as those concerns sadly came to fruition.

    I really wish he hadn't played on. It almost seemed obvious to me.

    I think your correct. Im sure it was in similar circumstances as yesterday he got hurt at Hampden. An initial injury, then playing through the pain before collapsing again.

  2. I'm 29. No need to be shy about it. And as i said I'm not trying to be overly critical. The fact that we played just as good if not better in France means we could have made home advantage count. Certainly Marseille had a great team, but so did Leeds and we turned them over twice :)

    That Marseille team were tough bastards physically. When i watched the game I still had an old fashioned belief that skillful continental teams could be out-muscled by tough British players. How wrong i was. That Marseille team could out pass, out dribble and easily kicked fuck out of us, especially at Ibrox. Our performance away from home was outstanding.

  3. John Fleck has POTENTIAL to be good. When Messi was 17/18 and hadn't broken into the Barca team yet should he have been shifted for a few hundred grand?

    If Liverpool had offered £250K for Danny Wilson 3 seasons ago half of this board would have demanded it was accepted because we hadn't really seen what he could do. 1 year later and he went for around £5 million.

    English teams pay a fortune for 'potentially' good players. Look at Sunderland (£10mill + for Conner Wickam) and Arsenal (Again £10mill + for Oxley Chamberlaind (yes I know that's not how its spelled!)). These are very young guys with a most a season of first team football in Championship or League 1 and they go for fortunes because of potential. We are so quick to snap up the smallest shitiest offers for anyone that we lose many a player for peanuts, when English teams would be demanding fortunes.

    Andy Carrol was never worth £35million, but Liverpool paided it because they believe he has the potential to be. The English transfer market is overinflated, and quite frankly ridiculous at times. Let's take advantage of it. If Blackpool say he's £500K for Fleck, how about we actually reject the offer and aim high.

    John Fleck is not worth 4 or 5 million at the moment, but he could be. He's only what 18 or 19? Give him time and he could be good, punt him at 19 for £500K because he isn't Wayne Rooney yet and we will be the ones that could regret it.

    PS - on a side note, someone raised the point that we get on the Scottish players backs too much. I comepletely agree. Adam took it tight and was forced out, now he plays for Liverpool. There was a time when Hutton's confidence was so rattled by so many Gers on his back that we couldn't have punted him for free. A bit of encouragement from Walter and he went for £9 million.

    Even against Man Utd last year at home when Kyle Hutton misplaced a pass early doors the ground were on his back. Even Wylde has been taking stick for 'being a tim' (which was incorrect) and 'a 1 trick pony' recently.

    These are young guys who have potential to be good players and they know what it means to play for Rangers. Let's encourage them and see them develop before writing them off.

    So what has Fleck shown to you ability wise to put any faith in him?

    Im not talking of his potential when he played schoolboy football. I mean here and now in the professional game.

  4. He will be no more than a bit part player.

    Davis, Edu, McCulloch and Ness will all be ahead of him.

    Their will be injuries and suspenions aplenty. If hes good enough he will get a chance. Its up to him to grab it with both hands.

  5. I remember a similar age group of Rangers youngsters winning a tourney a couple years back. Does anyone remember the tourney im on about? Im sure one of the boys broke his leg in the opening game. Anyone know what age group theyll be now?

  6. He didn't harp on about it when he was in the ring and that is all I cared about. He can believe what he believes and he is entitled to preach as much as he likes.

    He was, for me, the greatest sportsman ever. A real class act.

    The "Uncle Tom" Joe Frazier would disagree.

    Ali had immense talent and charisma. His record in the ring cannot be diminished. He could also be a bully and a nasty piece of work. His "class" wasnt always so great.

  7. Of course their not to be blamed. When you look at things from a neutral's point of view, and not that of a bluenose through and through, Walter has done an incredible job this time around. With little to no money to work with, he has had to use what he has had. Some of his signings were bemusing in Lafferty, Edu, Beattie etc. but some of the other signings such as Davis, Jelavic, Weiss, WEIR and Bougherra etc could very well have brought us back from the brink.

    From a Rangers point of view, its normality isn't it? Watching the team lift trophies :uk:


    No manager has a 100% record in the transfer market. Wattie hasnt been a miracle worker but he has done very well. The Lafferty and

    Beasley transfers arent the ones that got us into financial trouble.

  8. Bluedell and boss are probably the only two i would trust with our figures. Maybe they will know.

    There is no way in the world we were £15m in debt when Walter took over.


    Fair enough.

    I found an article from a few years ago which mentions a debt of 5/6 million at one stage. After a share issue underwritten by Murray. A healthy dose of creative accounting id suggest which made the figures look better than they actually were.

  9. The debt was under control, i read somewhere it was £5/6m when PLG took over, indeed he had a transfer budget and decided not to use it all. We were fine financially then. Losing to Kaunas then spending £15m? is what sent us on our way to where we are now. Thats a £30m swing, loss of revenue. :(

    When Walter took over there was no financial scaremongering, we were not penny pinching, we went out and signed who we wanted.

    1 very bad year and we are only just starting to recover.

    Im pretty sure we were in more debt than £5/6 million. In the last decade i dont think weve been in debt of below £15-18 million, and that was after a less than successful share issue.

    Anyone know the figures?

  10. I know mate.

    Ecks player turnover was appaulling, he had some of the very worst players i have ever seen in a Rangers jersey yet still done pretty decent.

    When Dick ran out of money, he ran out of ideas. Maybe fans dont like criticising him because he did bring some very good players in and wona few cups, but the cost was of that was still being felt even under Le Guen.

    These current problems have nothing to do with Advocaat, this is Murray, Bain and Smiths doing.


    The highlighted part is the only thing i disagree with. £80 million in debt is hard to get rid of, we are still paying the consequences of that debt today.

  11. I disagree mate, although i do think he and his tenure was vastly over rated. Spending almost £100m to win a few SPL titles and get chased out of town by MON isnt exactly............great work. He did bring in several real quality players though who, as usual, failed in Europe. With £80m debt, the dream became a nightmare.

    Most of our dud players in the last 10 years were here under Eck and Le Guen and even nowadays a few under Walter, probably because less money to spend means inferior players but still on big bucks. All on big contracts, all sold for buttons or paid off costing us millions upon millions.

    Mr Bain.

    Every manager buys duds. None have a 100% record in that department.

    Considering the tight squeeze weve been in Wattie and Eck did ok, all things considered. The less said about Le Guen the better.

    I kinda agree about Advocaat. The first 18 months or so he had an excellent signing record, latterly he was a f*ckin long term disaster. Why he doesnt get more stick i dont know.

  12. The list goes on, and on.....Jeffers another.

    The amount of millions we have pished away on utter dross is scary and all this in only 10 years! :(

    No wonder we are in some mess.

    To think the man who gave them all contracts and pay offs is still in employment at our club is frightening.

    Truly horrific.

    The winner of the "pissing money away award" undoubtedly goes to Dick Advocaat.

  13. Wylde - Ness - Davis - Weiss


    Sorry, but no thanks. We'd be overpowered and outmuscled with that midfield. A midfield with an average height of 5ft 2 would lead to disaster at set pieces.

    Every team needs at least one dirty c*nt in midfield.

  14. Why would Nikica Jelavic go down if he had beaten his man?

    Someone try and 'dive' like Jelavic and I bet they can't fall the same way.

    There was contact, should have been a penalty

    If i had 10 years experience as a striker i bet i could. I could also fall over (unhurt) holding my face when going up in an airial challenge, fake an injury to waste time, and numerous other underhand activities. The point being, footballers are devious c*nts who do almost anything to gain advantage. Our players as well as opposing ones.

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