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Posts posted by JB1

  1. We had just sung fathers advices and the wanker shouted " your in the wrong Fucking country, sing something about Scotland you fucking bigots" ( roughly)

    Every time we play these cunts rhe fans are a fucking joke! Espn had to appologise last time for their behaviour!

    Dirty t*rriers!

  2. Just had a read through the papers and I'm not surprised to the reaction By the media. Some say cancel the fixture, so say play behind closed doors, but the worst all of says it's only a game!

    People who write such vile rubbish don't have a fucking clue about this fixture! Its embed into the clubs tradition and history ! It's embeded into every single true rangers fan and it's hugely embedded into Glasgow itself!

    Anyone who thinks that this match is only about a game of football needs a good lesson in the whole thing.

    It's about the pride and tradition more than anything and I for one will never forget what I means to be a gers fan and what I means to fight for it all against the scum!

    Never surrender!!

  3. There is nothing wrong if a player wants to come to the travelling support and show his appreciation and hopefully I will be shaking the man's hand tomorrow night an asking if some of his Passion will rub off on others. He may be easily wound up and his passion may be for football but we need someone like him to show what it means to play for football and hopefully will turn in to the might Rangers.

    Exactly lennon goes up to his fans at every game!! Fucking love E.H.D

  4. Once again tonight we were shown that the anti Celtic agenda is a loud of shite! Celtic and Lennon hounded referees leaving them no option but to leave there jobs and tonight Lennon got his reward!

    The man Lennon is a disgrace to football! The way he abuses players and officials is a joke and finally tonight super ally did the right thing and told the cunt where to go!

    Ally showed tonight what smith is clearly lacking

    1 he finally backed his players and stuck up to that Cunt Lennon!

    2. He showed the passion and fight that the club need!

    We have to start sticking up for our team and fight these Cunt for everything. Three players sent off not one out of three the right decision!

    Fuck them! No surrender !

  5. Let me start bt saying well done to the team this week! They have done well to bounce back from the last of firm which had no doubt deflated the players confidence.

    Now im not going to get carried away after all today we played st johnstone but the pressure was on us to perform after celtics early defeat and the players reacted well!

    Now we need to go to the tattie dome on wednesday night and show lennons lemmons that we are the ones in control and that the pressure is on them! A win on wed would go a long way for the teams moral and it would give the fans something back for the last one!

    sing your heart out bears and as a wise man once said, "keep believing"

    for god and ulster


  6. Walter Smith bashers - what does that mean?

    This place is a joke. If you have an opinion that some don't agree with, you are either a hater or basher. I couldn't really give a shit about the one or two who go way overboard, they don't matter.

    Walter Smith and the players have had it tight recently and rightly so. Tonight we got a positive result, long may it continue.

    Well said Muff! Every fan is entitled to their own opinion!

    Good result! Hope it's the start of many to come.


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