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Posts posted by weedurranty

  1. There will be no investigation. Nothing.

    The fans need to stop getting worked up about this. As it stands they can't punish the clubs due to the non-liability rule they all agreed on ages ago.

    Stick to ripping the pish out of Frank, the Edinburgh junkies and the Fenians across the city for their hypocrisy on this but don't worry about it more than that. Saying we are getting punished/investigated only gives them credence and the bullshit story more valid. Leave the scare mongering to the fenian loving bastards who have made a living out of the lies such as Spiers, English etc.

    cheers for that clarification
  2. sorry. so what im saying is we need strong leadership here to stand up to everyone who is trying to erode our traditions because it doesn't fit their political agenda. And, evertone seems soo pissed off at us because we took them to the cleaners for so long and they feel that now is their chance to truly get a dig in. ENOUGH

  3. Just hearing news about this Bull Shit investigation into "sectarian" singing at the game yesterday and it is making my blood boil. I know Im far away in Canada and maybe don't get the full perspective but please help me understand this: C#$tic can sing "go home ya h***" and "Orange Bastards " to us and yet we get investigated for singing songs that have been part of our history for over 100 years. If THEY can fall back on the insane excuse that they are going back to their Oirish roots then why can we not say we are just celebrating our Protestant roots? seems a double standard no? Maybe this is the current Liberal bleeding heart type of society Scotland is becoming? Please enlighten me before I burst a blood vessel

  4. Was just looking at the standard of what we have to rise to and Im not nearly as worried as I once was. THEY are pretty shite and I dont think it will take much more than adding a few good players to have a similar talent level as most in the PL.Feeling very confident that the manager when given a budget will buy what is needed to challenge and win straight away


  5. We have come through the darkest time in our club's history where everyone has had a kick at us and we had to stand there, defenceless, and take it time after time. Then we start from scratch at the very bottom and build our way back up. All the news is positive and then we get this bull shit EBT thing raise its head against us yet again. It makes me just want to get as far away from Scottish Football and give them the finger. I know I live in Canada and may not have a right to claim this but what is the big deal in saying F you to this shower of incompetent, bitter group of idiots who run this show? I mean, if we are going to start a new chapter in our history and everywhere we turn we just keep getting shit on then why bother? I can tell you that they would miss us a hell of a lot more than we would miss them. Sorry for the rant and maybe Im just too far away now in Canada to see what's actually happening but maybe its just time we think a little broader as a club


  6. Fantastic!!!

    And if anyone says anything about Bears den, this result will benefit Rangers as they mutants won't have a 15mil windfall coming their way, which would have hampered us on our return to the Premiership.

    exactly. Thats why I started the thread
  7. An accident waiting to happen. Makes Calamity Bell look decent.

    Both him and Kiernan have failed to cut the mustard so far. A good side would have taken 5 off us today.


    Shut up....just close your pie hole. Any other negative posts you'd like to make? Maybe the goal should have gone straight in and not clipped the post?
  8. Right after we scored hes goin on about how we never should have been given the free kick etc. I just wish these negative bastards were out of a job and they could hire someone who has a clue and has no vile hatred in them

  9. Don't normally like to go on about these guys but that clown today was so outwardly anti us and our positive play it was embarrassing. "Decent this and decent that". It was as though he would rather be anywhere else.

  10. Yes it was, DA came in, brought many talented players in costing millions of pounds. Walter Smith left, he brought him through, Charlie was still in his ways he learned under the 9inarow team, Drinking, Eating crap, Nights out etc.

    Exactly......Drinking, Eating crap, Nights out etc. when the new manager brings in new players, you cant be doing that. But he did and was useless as a result

  11. Great video mate, Charlie is one of us and lived the dream, under DA he was never going to get a run due to the quality of players who came in, im sure Gazza, Ally, Durranty and co taking him under there wing never helped his career off the field,,,,lol, still some super goals!

    I really liked Charlie. He even got me a ticket to an away game at THEM when only 1500 Rangers fans were allowed in. But he was the cause of his own downfall. Too many nights out and womanizing. It had nothing to do with DA
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