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Everything posted by LegendaryLaudrup

  1. http://www.footballpools.com/pundits-corne...-mac%e2%80%99s/ I don't believe it, just found this article on the same site praising Rangers and slagging off our lack of praise in the english media, must be a Ger, good work fella!
  2. Got some Mackems slaughtering Scottish football and our club over an article regarding Kris Boyd's future. Lend your support lads. http://www.footballpools.com/pundits-corne...d/#comment-5325
  3. that's why i liked that piece on footballpools.com it is blatantly written by an englishman but at least he showed an unbiased view on scottish football and its recent improvements. The fella obviously regarded Rangers and the national sides recent performances were praiseworthy which I was impressed with. Going to leave a comment praising the guy for at least acknowledging a British side outside the English Premier League for a change. http://www.footballpools.com/pundits-corne...-mac%e2%80%99s/ It's difficult to assess, it's easy to measure in the short run but if it can only be judged, imo, in the long run if they can continue with this media reporting. It's the same with the Beeb, they jumped on the Rangers bandwagon once they realise we're doing quite well for a change. I reckon that a high percentage of English people would not even know we are in the semi's as coverage stopped once Spurs and Everton went out!
  4. that's why i liked that piece on footballpools.com it is blatantly written by an englishman but at least he showed an unbiased view on scottish football and its recent improvements. The fella obviously regarded Rangers and the national sides recent performances were praiseworthy which I was impressed with. Going to leave a comment praising the guy for at least acknowledging a British side outside the English Premier League for a change. http://www.footballpools.com/pundits-corne...-mac%e2%80%99s/
  5. True, but the sides that Rangers have beaten deserve praise, if Boro had beaten the likes of Werder Bremen I would expect plenty of coverage, they lost to the only top side they faced, in fact they got hammered
  6. As a Gers fan living in England I am amazed just how little coverage we received following our win over Sporting Lisbon. Is Spurs or Everton had beaten the likes of Werder Bremen and Sporting they would have been plastered all over the net and backpages of the tabloid. I scoured through a number of non-Rangers sites to see if there was any coverage at all and we barely got a mention the only thing i found was this article (below) on the rise of the scots and Rangers in international and european football which was a decent read . But come on English media how about a bit of credit where credit is due!!! http://www.footballpools.com/pundits-corne...-mac%e2%80%99s/
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