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Posts posted by Raghead

  1. Wit is the deal with the three company's.I read somewhere but can't find it now that 1 pacific shelf just carries their old company name, and that the other two is 1 owns the stadium and the players and the other pays the players and brings in the £ from attendances etc. it also says that the two companies won the league in 2002?

  2. I told the bitch that the other night cause she was cracking that I was always on my phone. I says it's cause wits happening to rangers. She says oh the end of the world eh .i said well I loved them b4 I loved you. Water works lol

  3. But how was the ebt abused wot was Murray doing with them that Hmrc are saying is illegal? Do u think whyte has sumfin to do with llyods as it seems he done his upmost to get them their cash plus they forced Murray to sell.

  4. Strewth, you muppets were fed shit by SDM for over a decade. Then Whyte came on the scene and you ate more excrement.

    Administration follows and it has been a real pantomime. Everyday something new; the idiots and retards on this forum ate even more shit with a kind of naive, simplistic outlook that beggars belief. Then Green came along and you put reason aside and decided that you liked the taste of shit so much you would happily munch on his. Green will finish you for us. Good man!

    What is wrong with you people? No other support in the world would have put up with such behaviour from the people who run their club. No other support would have indulged in such a dignity-stripping charade of blaming everyone else on the planet. The truth is so painful you shy away from it. You are all to blame, you all sucked SDM's ass and now your club is choking on shit.

    LIQUIDATION!! Yes!!! This bigoted, petulant club will cease to be. History stripped away. Titles removed, assets stripped. Scottish football will survive, and thrive given time to grow without the brain tumour that is Glasgow Rangers. No more will you embarrass Scotland abroad or in England. No more will your hatred of all things non-blue shame Scotland. You are truly Scotland's shame. The piper is calling....time to settle the account.

    Rangers destroyed by Green and Whyte (and SDM), Poetic Justice

    You are not the people, you never were . Just a group of fans that were happy that their team cheated it's way to titles and a support that embraces the thuggery that goes hand in hand with the corrupt, festering, pestilential, diseased entity that is (soon to be WAS) Rangers. Ciao


    Is your cock eyed sister no looking for you to give her her morning sausage u unwashed tramps arse

  5. That's what you should be looking at.

    Swap Torbett touching kids up for him murdering someone at the club. Would they get docked points? Or would (no matter how heinous the crime) it have nothing to do with titles/the league and that?

    Obviously we can say that abusing children is far worse than tax issues.

    But in a football sense, what that person is trying to say is probably right.


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