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Status Updates posted by Madina

  1. Cheers for being funny...after all the crap we are going through it made me laugh :)

  2. Erm guess what? ....My PM won't send! Won't seem to let me save it either...

  3. That's very dissappointing.... Type it out again! :P

  4. I was a vegetarian for many years of my life! I was very young though and didn't really understand why at the time...I have read up on where your meat comes from and such. Food INC is a great documentary and good book!

  5. I was actually really interested in vegan baking because I have a few vegan friends. I love the book vegan cupcakes take over the world :D I also really like PETA's college cookbook...where everything is vegetarian or vegan and can be done in the microwave!(although I dislike the organization peta) lol


  6. Hi Madina..I was looking through all my cookbooks today and I have some great veggie ones! I should share some recipes with you :D

  7. Yeah they were cracking wee devices. Well enjoy your day. Sleep tight!

  8. I ended up getting one on holiday. They were great wee things. It was like a tape with CD quality and skipping abilities. Was excellent. Dunno why they failed.

  9. Did you ever own a minidisk player? I ended up buying into that fad :(

  10. I can't even remember the last album I bought. I think it was slipknot's self titled one :

  11. Hahaha! Big Boi is the man! albeit I wouldn't like to have that moniker.

  12. Hahahaha! Madina-3000, there!

  13. Lawdy lawd we're so ice cool!

  14. My lyrical genius emerging once again! :P

    Hawl power! Prepare to be fought! This time I've brought someone else!

  15. Fight the power! Mad-dogs for next election. I made that name up from Madina and Togs. I quite enjoy it.

  16. Fascist! Could I be deputy then? :D

  17. Dr. Pepper is sooooooo tasty. Dr. Pepper and Sprite the 2 best jegs on the face of God's blue earth!

  18. I'm more of a Dr. Pepper man myself. Chin chin!

  19. You're better off not trying it! It's hummin :(

  20. Hahaha. I have a bottle of highland bru next to me! :P

  21. Ugh slumming it with the roller cola and highland bru.


  22. Oh it's quite the ditty.

    Yeah she is. I mean it's not just the fact that she puts out to whoever throws a quid or two her way she does all sorts. Coke, sprite, irn bru, fanta. She has no shame.

  23. I got it from Styx - Mr Roboto. Great tune.

    Yes the coke machine is quite the catch for the robots. She gives out samples of herself to everyone. If you ask me she's a bit of a harlequin.

  24. Yes yes. It will be quite the sight to behold. I'm taking Kilroy along and I'm going to be his metal wing man. He's had his eye on the coke machine next to the edam booth for a while.

  25. Well....I would y'know but between everything else and tomorrow is the cheese festival..

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