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    South of the Border

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New Signing (1/12)



  1. I think you could actually avoid that if you sat in the club level (2nd tier) as that is often quite empty and reasonably priced for the Emirates Cup and you could be in a position to hang Union Jacks around to wind up that lot. (I'll be waving mine!)
  2. Well if that Wembley Cup is cancelled and people have already booked to come down to London I suppose to avoid a wasted journey football wise. I suppose you could go back to the Emirates just to wind up the celtic fans there
  3. Well if that was true and there was a day's rest in between, why not hop across the city and join Arsenal in abusing celtic at the Emirates Cup on Saturday? Sexual abuse is in no way condoned by Rangers football club, however over the road................................ Not that kind! I was thinking of verbal rather than the other one
  4. Well if that was true and there was a day's rest in between, why not hop across the city and join Arsenal in abusing celtic at the Emirates Cup on Saturday?
  5. You sure it was them ? Not just people from London, They never do anything wrong Well they were wearing celtic shirts, singing republican songs and had Scottish accents.
  6. Well, I've been to both the Emirates and Wembley and I should warn you, it's a lot harder to create an atmosphere at Wembley than at the Emirates mainly due to the size. But I'm sure it would be nice to see the well behaved Gers in London again (unlike your neighbours who tried to smash up a tube).
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