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Posts posted by Chuck_Fickens

  1. Leaving a 5 star stadium like Ibrox is disgraceful. Still, looking forward to the new one, seems like there will be some useful changes in the new game.

    Ibrox will likely never be in it as the mhanks would make too much of an uproar to EA if it happened

    sad but true

    Fuck them and their shitty lego stadium, EA need to get it sorted. You couldn't really complain if parkheid wasn't included it's such a cheap shithole.

  2. None, although certain 'journalists' seem to have their own agenda. Don't think anyone can really say that a national newspaper has an anti-Rangers agenda. I didn't think we dealt in conspiracy theories here. Like I said though, certain journalists need to take their responsibility for unbias 'FACT' based reporting more seriously. There are a lot of fairy tales printed about our club but that's just to up their sales, I wouldn't call it anti-Rangers, it's just because we're the biggest in the country. :21:

  3. Where is Stirling? :BELM:

    That the place wae that big shite castle on the hill? Apparently they charge to get in there nowadays!? <cr>

    Just a wee bit of harmless banter m8, I'm 1/4 English (Mackem :anguish::anguish::anguish::anguish::anguish:). My wee granny lives right next to the stadium of light... She kept moaning about all the Irish folk moving into the area when Keane was in charge :uk:

  4. We lap this hatred up and use it to shite all over these diddy teams - celtic included. Rangers, as always, showing their inherent class and dignity by refusing to get into verbal handbags. The horrible wee cunt will be fuming he didn't get more of a rise out of Bain. Like I said, leave the squabbling to the diddy teams and we'll sit back and count the trophies. :21:

  5. Can't really understand die hard Scottish unionists when this country is being labelled the sickman of Europe. Poor health, lack of industry... Can it get much worse? We were inventing penicillin and steam engines once upon a time (Yes, as part of the union) but where has all that gone? Being British is fine but there's no point in wanting to remain British for nostalgic reasons only. If it ain't working, bin it. Need to put your country, your own future and the future of your kids first. Seems like some people are unionists just because they think they should be. I'd be just as happy flying the saltire at Ibrox. How could a Scotsman not support Scotland? Letting no-mark supporters of other spl "clubs" dictate whether you support your country or not is bollocks. Fuck them. This is our country. We used to be world beaters but regardless of that, I'll always support the country that gave everything I have today.

    Anyway... Rule Britannia :uk:

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