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New Signing

New Signing (1/12)



  1. Signatures slowly rising guys, thanks for the support so far, appreciated
  2. Signed, from Canada though might not help. They all count mate thanks
  3. Thanks for the replys guys, appreciate it! But if people are coming on and signing without commenting i can't know im getting any signatures at all! Its all for a good cause and it only takes 30 seconds of your time. plus comments will keep the post high up the list and should hopefully attract more people, need a real team effort here lads!
  4. I am posting this on behalf of my cousin. My cousin has cerebal palsy, a brain injury caused by brain tumours. He was diagnosed years ago. He had a promising career in football until unfortunetly this happened. He was born in Holland with Scottish parents, and still lives in Nijmegan. He was approached by the CP squad for both Holland and Scotland, both being ranked 1st and 2nd in the world. He opted he wanted to wear the scottish shirt and has done for 2 years, competing in world championships in Brazil and Euopean championships in Ukraine. However, problems have arisen with the SFA. Out of Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland, Scotland are the only country who DO NOT provide funding for the CP squad and with my cousin having to fly from Holland once or twice a month you can imagine the costs will mount up, all of which comes out of his own pocket. After recent contact with FA, we were granted permission to start a petition which will require 1000 signatures by June 21st. We are only sitting at around 185 at the moment. I am not asking for money donations or to subscribe to anything, all i ask if to take 60 seconds of your time to help out for a good cause. All i need is a name, address and phone number. The link is pasted below, for both the petition and the facebook page. Would help alot if people could add the group through facebook to help spread the word! I do add, depsite bein dutch, hes a massive Rangers fan Petition CP Website
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