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Posts posted by ABOD

  1. “May all who look upon the old club with a friendly eye stand prepared , by precept and example, to protects its interests and its good name”

    John Allan

    One is left to wonder where our club would be today had the guardians of these last few years chosen to honour John Allan’s famous quote. For only this week we were reminded of the legacy of Murray’s respectful silence policy as the multi- chinned James Traynor ripped into the travelling Bears in Sydney for singing a few naughty songs...while in Lincoln the self acclaimed “greatest fans in the world” fought amongst themselves....treated the people of Lincoln to their IRA ditties and indulged in general yobbish behaviour which led to 20 arrests which, considering the scale of the unrest, appears to have drawn little comment.

    We shouldn’t be too surprised. The Daily Record has been running scared of printing negative stories about Celtic and their support for some time now. Remember the Thugs and Thieves headline after the shehanigans of the Celtic Christmas night out ? The very next home game that headline was flashed on the giant screens at Parkhead. The intent was obvious.

    Contrast that with Murray’s response to Bears, incessant with rage about the latest cowards with keyboards rant against our club...”If a publication offends then don’t buy it” Way to go Sir David....so much for stand prepared by precept and example to protects its interests and its good name.

    While Rangers on a Monday morning are the only club in Scotland holding an anti-sectarian meeting to expel those who have fallen foul of the McConnell ‘s Iraq War deflection (aka Scotland’s Secret Shame)...over at Parkhead Liewell will be preparing his latest statement to defend the unsavoury elements of the Celtic support. What will it be this time Peter ?....”offensive but not sectarian”...or the old favourite...”political”

    How does it go Peter....”If you know your history” ? I think someone somewhere needs to put in some extra history revision. Weren’t we told for years that Sinn Fein was the political wing of the IRA. ?

    Those his supporters glorify in song are those who murder by reason of race or religion. The absolute epitome of sectarianism.

    But this is not about them....I offer them only to demonstrate a glimpse of the ammunition available to those” guardians” of our club....who have failed in their duty to safeguard our clubs interests and good name. It doesn’t take a lot to usurp a liar...in fact many Bears have already demonstrated that it can be done. Spiers was brought to account over his assertion that thousands of Rangers fans racially abused Bobo Balde. When challenged those “thousands” became “hundreds” and when pressed further became a “handful”.

    McNee’s attempted inference that the Bouncy was based on a sectarian murder was quickly withdrawn and denied and he was forced into an embarrassing denial.

    Both these examples were not accomplished by our clubs “guardians” but by rank and file supporters of this club.

    Can you imagine how more could have been accomplished if instead of apathy towards these reptiles, those inside Ibrox had mounted a robust and stout defence of our club and its support ?

    I sometimes have to pinch myself at Murray’s naivety over this whole issue. While he proudly showed the world everything Rangers were doing to tackle sectarianism...and patted himself on the back....the likes of Anna Smith was telling the world via her newspaper column that “Rangers cultivated sectarianism” . I sometimes think that coming from a non-Rangers background Murray has never grasped that there are people out there who hate and detest our club and its support and makes it their life’s mission to discredit our club at every opportunity.

    As the extent of the financial incompetence at our club continues to unfold before our eyes many will see the embarrassing financial insecurity and uncertainty at our club as his greatest crime.

    But for this Bear it is his failure to uphold the commands of our forefathers to defend our club from cowards and reptiles which will be unforgiveable.

    Brilliant lad (tu) that made my day reading that. ;)

    I see some disagree or are offended by this why?

    Only the 'Offended' gets 'Offended'.

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