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super-ally loyal

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Posts posted by super-ally loyal

  1. Ive not insulted you once,honey.

    P.S. mind your own fucking business....being female allows her to call me a cunt???

    I think its pretty evident from the few posts of yours that I've read that you are a cunt. Just saying, honey

  2. Rangers will always be a staunch unionist club, if you disagree with that then fair play it doesn't mean you can't support the club, just don't get offended when the vast majority of fans voice their opposition to independence.

    There are no songs about, 'terrorist organisations' - all songs I've heard this season relate to the original UVF.

    Also, why does the age of those in the section matter? I'm 22, the boy I go with is 26 and there's a guy next to us in his 40s that brings his two young sons ages 14 and 16. None of us are members of either group but I'd rather be stood next to a 14 year old who'll sing his heart out for 90 minutes than someone who'll sit on their arse all game then fuck off fifteen minutes before the end to go home and have a greet about some boys slating their beloved SNP on a forum.


    The point i continually make is y always sing about "the original uvf"? What is it with this band of brothers from over the water that relates more to my team then any other soldiers in Britain. Would people not find it a bit strange if we started singing about Welsh soldiers?

    I just dont get it and the only reason i (imo) think its sung about is for the later issues in Ireland which us Scottish football supporters seem to take too much involvement in!

    That said, the ub/bo don't deserve any disrespect the bring a great atmosphere to our ground and even if i don't believe in singing about the uvf (old or new) I will still fully support them

  3. not interested in any league other than the one Rangers are in to be honest

    Yeah i was thinking that is maybe what it is with me but i do like to keep an eye on what's happening in English leagues and thought i might do same with SPL but nope could not care less

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