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Papac 5 x

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Posts posted by Papac 5 x

  1. i dont buy into the views i regularly read on here about he must be sick and want out etc, imagine being there behind jig etc, they are young lads that likely appreciate what they older players have done in the game and im also sure the young ones dont sit like most on here abusing other players ands thinking they know better.

    Young players in any team will look up to the older more experienced players,but if you are a young centre mid it must be frustrating when a player signed as a forward is put into the position you play keeping you out the side.

  2. Must be fairly soul-destroying for the likes of Ness, Hutton and Fleck to see Edu/McCulloch getting played centre midfield week in week out when most of the performances they produce are severely inept.

    I think Ness will play a lot this season if he can keep clear of injuries and he will improve our side in my opinion.

    I hope ness gets his chance this season , was it his back that was giving him trouble? Think he went to a specialist about his injury and he know where's a support in his shoe as he had one leg longer than the other.

  3. Just thinking about our youth players that are in and around the first team , our midfield mostly. We have Davis who Imo our best outfield player and without doubt our best central midfielder, but apart from Davis the centre of our midfield is poor with edu and mcculloch playing in there from the start of this season.

    My point is that the young centre mids we have, Hutton and Ness are being hindered by the lack of quality 1st choice centre mids. IMO we should be playing one of either Ness or Hutton in midfield rather than mcculloch who is never a cm in his life. When Ferguson broke into the team he was training with high quality players that must have brought his game on a fair bit, guys like DeBoer Reyna Tugay where as Hutton and Ness are Watching Edu and Mcculloch.

    It must be annoying for the young players watching guys being played out of position stoping them getting a chance in the first team.

    Just wonder what your thoughts are on this

  4. I was at the game on saturday for my 4th visit to Ibrox, 2nd time to see Chelsea, back in 92 i travelled up to Ibrox to see Rangers v Hearts & Rangers v Dundee.

    I googled Rangers v Chelsea to see some pics ect i came across this forum & read a thread back in 2009 about Rangers flags in the Chelsea end & also at West Ham & Man City which was all positive, so you can imagine my disappoitment to see posts like English/Chelsea cunts, fuck Chelsea ect, obviously not all Rangers like Chelsea just as not all Chelsea fans like Rangers which is fair enough but i cant see the need for anti English posts, what about your link with Hamburg, are they German cunts?

    Thankfully this is the only Rangers forum i've seen where posts are anti English/Chelsea.

    Outside Ibrox i saw many t-shirt stalls with Rangers/Man City/Hamburg/West Ham(who by the way liked Celtic in the 80s due to Mcavennie playing for both)tops & scarves, maybe you should have a word with the sellers or your fans that whore themselves out to various clubs.

    Personally i like the fact fans from both clubs get along i'd rather that than us kicking the crap out of each other, there's no other clubs fans in Europe that are made welcome at the Bridge like Rangers fans are, also i've always been very well looked after on my trips to Ibrox.

    Chelsea fans have always been very patriotic maybe thats why there's such a strong bond, also ask any Celtic fans about there visit to the bridge in 06, lets just say i dont think they'll want to come back.

    Say Chelsea play a friendly v Gers arranged at the bridge i bet quite a few of you would travel down eh.

    Lets look at the positives, what other club can go out of the CL then nearly get 50k for a friendly days later? not many thats for sure.

    600 Chelsea fans had a do on a ferry before the game raising a lot of money for H4H, also in the wee Rangers club both sets of fans raised money for an Erskin vetrans charity with both vetrans & Chelsea pensioners being invited & looked after, another positive.

    Where else can two different sets of fans drink together before & after the game, sit together with no problems, another positive.

    Here's a link about our friendship ect


    Anyway good luck for the season from an English/Chelsea cunt :rolleyes:

    I was in the wee rangers after the game, one of the Chelsea pensioners went on stage and sang blue sea of ibrox , would have brought a tear to a glass eye.

    Chelsea Rangers Hello Hello

  5. Does anybody else think he deserves a go in the team?

    IMO he's been good whenever he's played and cant be any worse than Edu or McCuloch.

    When Jamie Ness is back he should be played alongside Davis unless we bring in a quality partner for him but until then Hutton should get a run in the team IMO.

    Think Hutton has done enough in the games he has played to get a run in the team. Thought he had a great game in the cl against man united @ ibrox.

  6. You can be proud to know that you are in the minority! A Year ago, you were in the majority but a swing has been found, where fans have used common sense - you are welcome to join anytime you are ready!

    Wtf. Are you unwell? You are under the impression that now because we've went a few months without being in the papers and some jurno on twitter has outed the tims that we will get fair treatment from here on in? I highly doubt it ! Or we could settle this by starting a thread - do you feel in the last xyz years rangers have been fairly treated by the Scottish media? - then we can see if I'm in the minority

  7. Yes mate, you continue to think like that!

    One day you will wake up and see the Sun for being the Sun and not a disturbance on your eyes!

    Thinking like what? Surely you agree that We've been slaughtered in the media for years? Just of the top of my head when we smashed the villareal team bus window , it made front page in the papers yet when Celtic broke the team bus window against Milan it gets sweep sweep swept under the carpet. In any case breaking the oppositions team bus window is wrong no matter the team but this is what's been happening for seasons. Don't kid yourself on that certain jurnos are waiting/dying for our new singing section to belt out a banned song they will be like fly's round shite!

  8. Ye, this is far from a non-subject. Great post and agree with everything, have noticed the sudden turn in events and reporting of there mhob "mis-behaving" although still believe if it was us it would be highlighted much more, for example hardly a mention of there antics in Oz and apparently Cardiff also. Had that been us it would most likely be front page news. Nonetheless, its imperative we keep up the good work n continue to show them up for what they are n finally out THEM as Scotlands Shame :21:

    Heard from a reliable source that the timmys got slapped about in Cardiff due to thier song book and the fact the gb were going about taking liberties with kids ( nothing new their ). The mhedia will be dying for the new ub/bo section to slip up. If we dnt slip up the mhedia will have to out them either that or there will be some thin newspapers

  9. Haha at 1st i didnt know the words in Blackpool and just kept going ohhh ohh oh oh oh whilst bouncing up and down.

    The wee steward asked me do you guys ever shut up :crabflute:

    This. Took me ages to get the words. Need to make sure that when we sing it we don't end up going @ 100mph after the second verse.

  10. Can't believe some ppl are moaning about the ub/bo today. IMO it's almost an impossibility to expect the whole of ibrox to be up singing for 90 minutes after only 1 game of the two groups being in the same section. Some new songs ppl will like some new songs ppl won't but don't have a pop at the ppl who are making the effort. Well done today and keep it up

  11. sounds gd something i will consider signing up to . im pretty gd at the game but im sure everyone thats signed up for it are lol

    Ha ano mate that's what thought when I signed up. What console you on xbox or ps3?

  12. i was thinking of doing this but some ppl were saying they never got there money . can you post a link of the site plz

    There's loads of hustling on it mate so I wouldn't play for big money the most I lost was 15 dollars. Pretty sick the guy said he was a lvl 32 and when we got to the lobby he was like lvl 40. If you set up an account before you play a game when you are challenging someone you can put your own rules in like no 5 @ the back or no custom formations or what lvl you will play against this allows you to cancel if they try any shit.

  13. Sounds like my kind of thing, how does the payout system work? If I played Fifa and I won how would I prove I won if he goes against it?

    I've never not been paid. If you read the t&c's before the game am sure there is something in there about it.in the chat room on the site I've seen people write about a player who isn't going to pay and once it hits there the guy usually pays up

  14. i was thinking of doing this but some ppl were saying they never got there money . can you post a link of the site plz

    Just google virgin gaming mate. When you lose you need to concede but you both need to agree to the t&c's before the game. Every game I've played and won I have been paid.

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