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Posts posted by GrumpyRyan

  1. How about a small song about Lloyds on Sunday?

    To a well known 'hello' tune. But perhaps a bit too highbrow for Dundee. :craphead:

    Oh Lloyds, Oh Lloyds,

    The problem, not the cure,

    Oh Lloyds, Oh Lloyds,

    Stick your Donald Muir,

    You're up to your chin


    Twelve billion or you're bust

    And we'll move our money to the Co.

    We'll no doubt get something sung on Sunday. I'll go with: "You can stick your Donald Muir up your ........."

    (tu) (tu) (tu):craphead: :craphead: :craphead: :craphead:

  2. So just the same stuff that's been peddled out for the last few days then. Cheers for the update (tu)

    Again, I'm sticking by my gut instinct. Pointless hysteria the last few days. If we get a buyer that clears the debt.....great. If we don't, I bet we'll be fine and that no key players will leave. The only maybe for me is Bougherra if he's unsettled and a substantial bid (£5m+) comes in for him.

    So you're happy just to sit tight and wait and see?

    I'd just be happy if everyone got back to focusing on the fact we've got an enormous game this weekend at Tannadice. Our situation is not as it's been painted in the media, that's my opinion and I firmly believe that. Look at the climb down and apology after they stated that Murray was forced down......was b*llshit, the media are taking shots in the dark from a flippant remark from Walter.

    Do you not remember the hysteria in January ? Everyone for sale, £3m must be raised, Rangers in administration fears......no key players have left, we rejected £3m for Mendes in January.

    Form your own opinion, we shouldn't just open wide and let the media feed us. We should know by now that they are far from reliable.

    Personally not a fan of the wait and see approach. Far too much at stake.


    The reason I keep beating the same drum in the petition thread.

    Not doing it to annoy folks or get more posts to my account, Its to truly push the topic for all who visit the site and keep it at the back of folks minds at the very least. (tu)

  3. So just the same stuff that's been peddled out for the last few days then. Cheers for the update (tu)

    Again, I'm sticking by my gut instinct. Pointless hysteria the last few days. If we get a buyer that clears the debt.....great. If we don't, I bet we'll be fine and that no key players will leave. The only maybe for me is Bougherra if he's unsettled and a substantial bid (£5m+) comes in for him.

    ScotBear - well said!! David RST back to posting 'Rumours' as FACT !

    The club infrastructure, even if you write down the assets substantially, is worth a lot more that £20M.

    And your source or evidence that it is a rumour??

  4. For those who have missed it in this topic already...

    Myspace Bulletin Code

    <center><a href="http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?gers52" target="_blank"><img src="http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr92/rcps-scotland/RSPBanner.jpg" border="0" alt="Petition"></a></center><p>

    Please consider helping our cause by signing the petition to Lloyds Banking Group. If you do not already know, The bankers are placing great pressure on Glasgow Rangers Football Club by not negotiating fairly with potential buyers in this current climate.

    The FEAR is there may be job losses, Players sold and a genuine threat to the club at this time.

    Please hit the banner or follow the link below and sign our petition.

    We would greatly appreciate it

    We had to bail out the bankers with tax payers money, please do not allow them to now squeeze our club after what they have done to our economy .

    <a href="http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?gers52">Click Here or Hit Banner Above</a>

  5. So just the same stuff that's been peddled out for the last few days then. Cheers for the update (tu)

    Again, I'm sticking by my gut instinct. Pointless hysteria the last few days. If we get a buyer that clears the debt.....great. If we don't, I bet we'll be fine and that no key players will leave. The only maybe for me is Bougherra if he's unsettled and a substantial bid (£5m+) comes in for him.

    So you're happy just to sit tight and wait and see?

    I'd just be happy if everyone got back to focusing on the fact we've got an enormous game this weekend at Tannadice. Our situation is not as it's been painted in the media, that's my opinion and I firmly believe that. Look at the climb down and apology after they stated that Murray was forced down......was b*llshit, the media are taking shots in the dark from a flippant remark from Walter.

    Do you not remember the hysteria in January ? Everyone for sale, £3m must be raised, Rangers in administration fears......no key players have left, we rejected £3m for Mendes in January.

    Form your own opinion, we shouldn't just open wide and let the media feed us. We should know by now that they are far from reliable.

    I agree to a certain extent and you do make a lot of sense but do you not feel that if at least some of us are working on pressuring the bank (just in case) its worth while so we can quickly get back to the football?

    Can it cause any harm for people to work on pushing this while the rest show a little support by signing petitions or spreading the word and then just return to the good parts while the select few keep the momentum going?

    The most dangerous aspect of this whole situation for me is the fear that it is affecting the management and players. That's what the support should be focusing on, we have to do our bit to ensure that doesn't happen.

    I can fully see your concern there, that's for sure and its a valid point your make (tu)

    Its not an easy situation :disappointment:

  6. So if we are £30M in debt, next summer we will be approx £20M following CL money coming in and our cutbacks. I would suggest it may even be as little as £17M. Why is there this hysteria or can someone enlighten me.

    The OP seems to suggest the level of debt and the price for the club is the same thing, I don’t understand that at all….

    The debt is now the asking price. I am told, that due to Murray's wider relationship with Lloyds and all that entails, his shareholding is virtually worthless.

    So hypothetically...If the bank would follow suit with their agenda of selling debt at £0.40 in the quid, a takeover could be accomplished at a very good price? So pressure on the bank to be as fair with us as with others would hypothetically prove fruitful

  7. So if we are £30M in debt, next summer we will be approx £20M following CL money coming in and our cutbacks. I would suggest it may even be as little as £17M. Why is there this hysteria or can someone enlighten me.

    I think its got something to do with the Governments plans to split the banks up.

    Obviously they will start with the ones in the worst position, of which Lloyds is one.

    The sooner Lloyds get their house in order, the more chance they have of avoiding this.

    They won't wait too long for their maoney back from us.

    Unfortunately, Rangers FC are just a small pawn in the bigger picture, in their opinion.

    I'm sure they will find out soon enough that this is not the case.

    They are certainly playing a dangerous game, going by some of the messages I have read to them from supporters <cr>

    I am sure they fully realise it has been a PR disaster!

  8. So just the same stuff that's been peddled out for the last few days then. Cheers for the update (tu)

    Again, I'm sticking by my gut instinct. Pointless hysteria the last few days. If we get a buyer that clears the debt.....great. If we don't, I bet we'll be fine and that no key players will leave. The only maybe for me is Bougherra if he's unsettled and a substantial bid (£5m+) comes in for him.

    So you're happy just to sit tight and wait and see?

    I'd just be happy if everyone got back to focusing on the fact we've got an enormous game this weekend at Tannadice. Our situation is not as it's been painted in the media, that's my opinion and I firmly believe that. Look at the climb down and apology after they stated that Murray was forced down......was b*llshit, the media are taking shots in the dark from a flippant remark from Walter.

    Do you not remember the hysteria in January ? Everyone for sale, £3m must be raised, Rangers in administration fears......no key players have left, we rejected £3m for Mendes in January.

    Form your own opinion, we shouldn't just open wide and let the media feed us. We should know by now that they are far from reliable.

    I agree to a certain extent and you do make a lot of sense but do you not feel that if at least some of us are working on pressuring the bank (just in case) its worth while so we can quickly get back to the football?

    Can it cause any harm for people to work on pushing this while the rest show a little support by signing petitions or spreading the word and then just return to the good parts while the select few keep the momentum going?

  9. So just the same stuff that's been peddled out for the last few days then. Cheers for the update (tu)

    Again, I'm sticking by my gut instinct. Pointless hysteria the last few days. If we get a buyer that clears the debt.....great. If we don't, I bet we'll be fine and that no key players will leave. The only maybe for me is Bougherra if he's unsettled and a substantial bid (£5m+) comes in for him.

    Quite right mate, everything will be just fine. Nothing to worry about.

    FFS. <cr>

    Its mind boggling eh <cr>

  10. So just the same stuff that's been peddled out for the last few days then. Cheers for the update (tu)

    Again, I'm sticking by my gut instinct. Pointless hysteria the last few days. If we get a buyer that clears the debt.....great. If we don't, I bet we'll be fine and that no key players will leave. The only maybe for me is Bougherra if he's unsettled and a substantial bid (£5m+) comes in for him.

    So you're happy just to sit tight and wait and see?

  11. Hello everyone,

    Long time since I've been here, but having been criticised for not putting info out on various sources, thought I should share this here.

    As you know, I don’t normally do such things, but given the circumstances, we feel it’s important and fair that the support should know this. Obviously I won’t name sources, but let me assure you, I wouldn’t be posting this if

    a) I didn’t trust the source implicitly

    b) they didn’t have a 100% track record

    c) they weren’t as close to the situation or

    d) it didn’t check out when we investigated it.


    • The bank are panicking

    • Senior management are calling it ‘a PR disaster’

    • They want out soonest

    • Bain is not involved in the day-to-day running of the club

    • Muir is effectively running the club

    • Muir is hawking players to clubs

    • If the club is not sold at least three first team players will be sold in January in an attempt to raise £10m. This will allow the bank to drop the price for the club to £20m. They believe this might encourage further investors.

    The pressure that is being brought to bear on Lloyds IS having an effect. Keep up the good work Bears.

    Dangerous times, but potential sunshine ahead.

    Just what I thought and been hearing from various places!

    All the more reason to keep the pressure on the bank, Think I will push the petitions et al even more over the weekend :disappointment:

    I do not want to see 3/5 players sold this January, I wish the bank to take £0.40 in the £1 for our debt like they are doing with other businesses. :angry: :angry:

  12. What the fucks going on :anguish: :anguish:

    Rangers are up for sale, theres a protest against Lloyds, Walters not happy, Edu & Broadfoot are back next week, rangersgary has been promoted to Mod, Dave King has assets frozen in SA, Donald Park canny afford Rangers and SDM is going quad-biking tomorrow with his grandchildren.

    Other than that, not a lot.

    Oh aye, and Big Eck wants Davis for 3 million. :craphead:

    :craphead: :craphead: :craphead:(tu)

  13. Its a number of different discussions. If you don't want to read them...don't.

    Its a bit hard to find another thread ...

    How Ironic that you start a thread link this :craphead: :craphead: :craphead:

    Do what a good portion of the membership who do not want to talk about Lloyds are doing......

    Read only the topics that do make you happy and avoid them doh Nobody is forcing you to open topics up buddy :)

  14. Well done to Mandy McCabe, whoever you may be, the 1,000th signature.

    Poor timmy, who has been so helpful for the last 36 hours, tried to sabotage the 1000th post ..... but missed by 1. It's not been a good week for them. :D

    She's a friend of mine to whom I sent the link over MSN and she was happy to oblige.

    She was honoured to be number 1,000 and of course to help our great club :)

    (tu) (tu) Good Stuff!!

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