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Posts posted by manxblue

  1. Well, which is it, coach, train or boat ? (only kidding !).

    Contact your local supporters club, that's probably the best place for information regarding travelling to and from Manchester, although, I would think if you haven't got a ticket, you might not get to travel with the supporters club - although I stand to be corrected on that one !!.

    If all else fails, try Cenral Station, Glasgow, Wednesday 14th May from about 7.00 am onwards, I'm sure there will be hundreds/thousands of supporters there travelling to Manchester

  2. PLAN A: Flight from Isle of Man to Manchester (paid for) just in case there's a problem with the ferry, then taxi to Manchester City Centre. After the game, fuck knows !! -

    PLAN B: Ferry from Isle of Man (paid for) just in case there's a problem with the airport then train to Manchester City Centre. After the game - fuck knows !! -

    SORTED !!

  3. AND, anyone who does have a ticket and claims to be a Rangers supporter and then tries to sell it, at a profit, can go and fuck themselves, you are not a Rangers supporter.

    There is no excuse or reason for making a profit if you can't go to the game.

    If anyone has a ticket and for whatever reason cannot go to the game (e.g. DEATH), then contact your local supporters club and pass it on at FACE VALUE.

  4. My Grandad died suddenly (at Kildean Market in Stirling) 8 days before the 1972 Final. I was 6 years old at the time.

    My Dad brought up my two elder brothers, me, and my little sister on his own after my mum left him. My Grandad was 56 when he died (heart attack) My Dad was 27.

    He was a farm labourer in Fife working on his Dads farm.

    We were allowed to stay up and listen to the radio commentary of the game.

    At the final whistle, my Dad started crying, which started the four of us crying also, (only because he was crying I suppose).

    My eldest brother (10) asked my Dad, "is Grandad in heaven now ?".

    "No", said my Dad, "I think he's in Barcelona".

    This is why I love Rangers, always have and always will and nothing and no-one on this planet will stop me going to Manchester.

  5. I'm going and I aint got a ticket and probably got no chance of getting one.

    If there's no screens in the city centre then I will go and stand as near as I can get to the stadium and listen to the roar as the Bears lift the cup !!!.

    I have supported Rangers all of my life (42 yrs) and have the scars (mental and physical) to prove it !!!. There is no fucking way I will miss out on this game. Watching it at home is just not an option. I HAVE to be there, with MY team and MY fellow supporters, I may not get another chance.

    So, unless GMP decide to lock up everybody without a ticket, I don't see that there's a lot they can do about it, except, maybe getting their arse in gear and organising fan zones near the stadium with PROPER facilities, not just one big-screen tv and fuck all else.

    Hundreds of portaloos, refreshments, first aid etc. I could organise it right now with an envelope and a pencil. In fact;

    500 Portaloos

    5 First Aid Stations

    50 Refreshment Tents

    That should cater for about 50 thousand supporters ! - there's less than that at Ibrox for fucks sake !!!

    There you fucking go, simple !!!!!!!

    This situation has only came about because no-one expected Rangers to get to the final (myself included if I'm honest !), however, surely GMP should have looked at ALL possibilities and have strategy in place for WHICHEVER finalists were involved, or is that too simple ?.

    I will not let the incompetence of GMP or Manchester City Council or UEFA spoil what will be the most enjoyable footballing ocassion I have ever witnessed. They can all fuck right off !! - I have dreamt of this for many many years and they are not going to spoil my day out !!!.

    Also, anybody know where I can buy Buckfast in Manchester or should I just take my own ? - YEEEEEEHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Fuck them !! - if they sack you - you can come and work for me in the Isle of Man !!!! Don't know what you do for a living, doesn't matter, anything to help a fellow Bear in dire straights !!!!. GET YOURSELF THERE - YOU KNOW THAT YOU WILL REGRET IT FOREVER !!!!!! IF YOU DON'T GO !!!!!

  7. Met a mate of mine in town about an hour ago (Douglas - Isle of Man). He's a life long Man City fan but moved here a couple of years ago. He is travelling to Manchester for the game and he tells me that all of his CITY mates in Manchester are coming along to support the bears, and, my cousin in London (Chelsea Boy) tells me that "hundreds" of Chelsea are coming up to party as well !!!.

    Fucking Hell !!!, maybe we could use Liverpool as a "spill over" venue - attendance in Manchester could top 250,000 !!!.

    (And my big brother is flying back from New Zealand - NO TICKET - just to enjoy the atmosphere !!) - with THREE OF HIS NEW ZEALAND PALS - No tickets, no hotels booked, just coming for the party !!!!

  8. What are all us ticketless fans going to do during the game. I'm flying from the Isle of Man on the morning of the game to enjoy the atmosphere in Manchester but seems that at 5.00 pm thats it. The pubs will have their usual "regulars only" signs out.

    The silence from GMP and even Ibrox is frightening. The usual "don't come if you don't have a ticket" just won't work Im afraid. So, where are, what looks like around 100,000 Rangers fans going during the game ?

    This is going to turn into a huge problem for all involved unless someone gets their act together and fucking fast !!.

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