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Posts posted by spangles

  1. 2 Jun 2011

    Rangers have launched moves to secure new contracts for Allan McGregor, Madjid Bougherra, Steven Whittaker and Steven Davis.

    Incoming boss Ally McCoist made it clear to new owner Craig Whyte last week that he wants the key quartet to stay, and the agents of all four players have now been contacted to set up meetings.McGregor, who has two years left on his current deal, and both Davis and Whittaker – who are into the final 12 months of their contracts – have all expressed a desire to extend their stays.

    Who delivered the fekin letter, the fekin Pony Express :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. Ha ha sums up your team mate, if the best you can come up with is smile faces. Enjoy second place for years to come mate.

    Like Lionel says, your once, twice, three times a :wanker: smilie faces are about the cerebral limit of your understanding... :thumbup:;):lol: :lol: Rocket-03-june.gif:lol:;)

  3. Holly fuck me you just scream of Look at me i'm on the internet and people as having a go, this is wonderfull. Have said before fair play that you have lasted this long but it's really not rair that the admin on here are just keeping you on for fun.

    hooker.gif:lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. Go on then tell us your doom and gloom lies the now mate, cant wait for Monday to hear your crap.

    Such a sad fellow you are, if you PM me I will send you a signed photograph and my book on how to lead a full and happy life, as you hang on my every word, you should seek immediate treatment for your serious case of angst.....be happy don't worry, it's the internet not a Degree in the most Sacred of Places... ;):lol: :lol:

  5. Doesn't matter what it says, the usual suspects will point suspicious fingers and cast as much doubt as they can possibly muster.

    While caution is of course advised the unhealthy desire to want to find fault where there isn't any will be most unwelcome.

    If it appears you can be sure it will matter very much what it says, or maybe you prefer moonbeams. :sherlock:

  6. What if anything are we all expecting when circular day arrives this Monday, if anything.

    ETA.....Friedel has just signed for Spurs.


    • User spangles banned!
    • Banned from: Global ban
    • Ban reason: Previously banned member using proxy IP, scaremongering.
    • Banned until: 06 June 2021 - 09:42 PM

  7. Dearie me, the abuse continues. Looks like it's getting to you. Perhaps you recognised yourself in my posts.

    Always a bad sign when they are having a go at the poster rather than what they posted.

    Strange how you always take the timmy viewpoint.

    Fuk me, you do have an unhealthy obsession with taigs, a secret yearning perhaps, you should stay well away from dykes, you could end up jumping it....maybe you already have..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

  8. Although I can understand everyone being desperate for some sign of the ways ahead, people need to chill. :rolleyes:

    There is a lot that needs done and put in place, the football season is just ended and most people will be on some sort of break. In our need to feel enlightened and included on the back of one of the toughest (off field) but most satifiying (on field) seasons we have a new direction but the timing is not great. It's like getting into the pub ready for your big night out just as last orders is called. :beer1:

    We know Ally has his list of players, are we saying we don't trust Ally? Whether he is successful or not can you doubt he is doing what he feels is best for the club and has Whyte actually done anything to cause concern. Just because he is not operating to other peoples deadlines.

    Now I know I am not overly optimistic and I know there are better informed people than me but I want to feel positivity about our club. There are enough people willing to have a go without us doing it ourselves. Yes questions need answered and I believe we will get those answers but why should we tell everyone (not only Gers fans want to know ) how much money we have to spend. Have we ever came out and said we are spending a certain amount? I don't think so. Now is the time big decisions are being made and as hard as it is now is the more than any we need to show a degree of patience. WATP :scot:

    Hint.... £25 million, front loaded ? our kitty is already out there allegedly, we must be in for another dose of the new rippin the pish technique, known as "due diligence"



  9. Baseball bat is ok if it works. I cannot see Whyte having any puppets at this stage - give it 6 months though.

    Don't take my word for it nvager, the guy is notoriously litigous and uses the threat of it on a whim, not many can get the Telegraph to remove an article at the speed of light. But you can still find the gist of it on Rangers boards.


  10. I wasn't meaning you Frankie. More the usual suspects that have been constantly dripping doubts on the board.

    Of course we must remain vigilant, I would be among the first having a go if it looked like Whyte was at it, but until then I will remain neutral.

    I can't believe some are having a go on here about him being tough on the press, for months I've been reading post after post complaining that Rangerd needed to get tough on the press.

    It seems some will use ANYTHING to attack Whyte.

    To be honest, I can't see how Whyte would get anything from this in the short term except grief. The only way he can succeed is by growing the team and the brand.

    There are no assets to strip. Nothing to sell quickly. He could have invested his £20m and bought some land or somesuch far easier to turn a buck.

    I may be wrong, but since we were goosed anyway, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and maintain a watching brief until I see him doing something untoward.

    Those having a go can't point to anything he's done yet, but still do it anyway. I can only conclude they are either timmys or just like greeting. The same sould no doubt spent years forecasting doom and gloom about the previous regime and will do so about the next one.

    Neutral ? :lol: :lol: :lol: crawlin barsteward more like.. ;)(tu)

  11. We the fans know little so will just have to wait until Whyte comes forward with his plans. Strictly neutral until then, but hopeful too. One good signing will blow a lot of this nervousness away.

    No openness and transparency will get us all on side, but I do know that the press are shit scared of his lawyers, much the way it used to be with Murray, only he used succulent lamb to control his puppets. A carrot so to speak, while our new leader appears to favour a baseball bat. (tu)

  12. The day I leap onto 'timmy' based doubt is a long way away I can assure you. My concerns are based on facts outlined in the article - all of which are fair and valid.

    It should go without saying that we be patient and not jump to conclusions about certain issues. However, it is only prudent to ask valid questions and be concerned until such a time where questions can be answered and the concerns allayed.

    I'm hoping for an exciting new era under Whyte and certainly don't buy into the conspiracy theories about his background or intentions. That doesn't mean that I automatically pass him as suitable either and I'd like to see more good news than the bad I've experienced since I've been on holiday.

    Background ? he doesn't appear to have one, or at least not one that throws up a single success in a catalogue of failed companies, there surely must be one that is recorded, maybe he's the bagman for take your pick...Merchant Gemini Turnaround Fund, nice round figure £50 million just about the alleged total to cover our club, wonder how it is doing :rolleyes: after all our leader is heading the fund up.

  13. Don't think the "prospectus" was a legal requirement, more a stipulation of the ineffective steering committee headed up by AJ, who appears to be full of wind and pish.

    The legality consisted of minority shareholders rights being set aside by the piss poor TOP, of Kraft Guinness and other such notable fuck ups, as a result of the piss pot overflowing to the tune of £1.

    Shall I be vigilant, you bet your bottom dollar, it is all we have left. So much for SDM and his promises of safe hands, but SDM is another matter that puzzles in this Dallas rivalling saga, lets hope whyte is not our Cliff Barnes, (but the lucky bastard did have a shot on the swings with Sue Ellen :lol: ). :pipe:

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