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Der Hammer

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Posts posted by Der Hammer

  1. Wee message for the SOS. Support Rangers 100% or go away, pick another team and dont come back. Another point, stop using Mr Struth's name as you are disgracing it. If you support Rangers buy a ticket for the St Johnstone game and drown those SOS pricks.

  2. Hardly Foster's fault, but I guess the only way to be a Rangers fan these days is to despise everyone at the club.

    More likely fans getting pissed off at players talking shite off the park and playing shite on it then saying the same stuff over and over again. How many wake up calls is that now yet the football never improves?

  3. Said on here in his first season he was not a manager. Was given abuse, called a taig, for not towing the party line that McCoist stuck by us. Always seen that as bullshit. He is on £800,000 a year and decided to continue in his cushy job raking in big bucks. The only people who did not do "walking away" were the fans but the guy raking in thousands each week is turning fans away in their droves. Boycotts have fuck all to do with low crowds, neither has boardroom shit, its the awful football on show 90% of the time. Fans aren't stupid, they know when they are not being entertained, they know consistently bad football when they see it. McCoist doesn't put Rangers first he puts Ally McCoist first everyday of the week. With him in charge Rangers future looks bleak, get him out and it needs to be soon.

  4. Ive asked him questions on twitter, called him a liar on many occasions in an attempt to call him out and nothing. He is pathetic and a troll who has no facts or proof to back himself up. He will not debate with D'Artagnan because he has no debating skills at all, he wouldbe humiliated. 1st class wankstain with zero credibility.

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