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Posts posted by rangersxfc

  1. If this is newsworthy how is upwards of 50,000 chanting Orange B###### not?

    28 August 2013 BBC Scotland glasgow&west

    Transport police hunt fans over sectarian singing

    Six men are being sought following reports of drinking and sectarian singing on a train from Cumbernauld to Glasgow Queen Street.

    The group, aged between 16 and 19, are thought to have been travelling to the Rangers v Berwick Rangers Ramsdens Cup tie at Ibrox on Tuesday night.

    The train left Cumbernauld at 18:20 and arrived at Queen Street at 18:55.

    British Transport Police appealed for anyone with information about the identity of the men to get in touch.

    PC Caroline James said: "This obnoxious behaviour is totally unwarranted and other passengers not attending the match should be able to travel without encountering it."

  2. SOS and there followers don't have a clue what they are wishing for here. If they force the other 2 out or even just Stockbridge then we can get suspended from LSE.

    These clowns don't get it. They have been told a thousand times and still they don't understand why.

    And people want fan ownership? No chance if we had a fan owned boardroom it wouldn't be any better than the board that have left. This board don't seem to know the rules of the LSE either and neither do SOS.

    Agree with lots of the points made about SOS using bhitter pricks like Gibbons to bash fellow bears is a joke

  3. Paul Murray having our interests at heart seems to be one of those things we're to accept as fact with not much to back it up

    No argument from me on Paul and his crew but what I cant understand is the support for the current board one things for sure they definitely dont have our best interest at heart

  4. The Headless Horseman Rides Again


    I watched the first episode of Sleepy Hollow last night. It is a new American series on Universal Channel and is loosely based on the famous book, with Ichabod Crane waking up in the 21st century.

    It was good watchable hokum and the first episode featured Crane’s nemesis, the Headless Horseman.

    The Headless Horseman is one of the bogey men Americans do so well, along with characters like the Candy Man, Leather Face and Jason from Halloween.

    Maybe the fact that he is based in America and it is coming up to Halloween that is causing former Rangers Chairman Alastair Johnston to see his own bogey man in the form of Craig Whyte still haunting Ibrox.

    Johnston apparently still fears that Whyte is pulling the strings behind the Ibrox boardroom war.

    Yes, I wrote that with a straight face.

    Of course, the vastly expensive investigation led by Deloitte could find no such connection so maybe it’s time to call Ghostbusters.

    Either that or the normally pretty sensible AJ needs to take a long rest. I wonder if he checks under his bed at night to see if Craig Whyte is there.

    Of course, the cynical observer might feel that the very mention of Rangers’ fans own bogey man – Craig Whyte – still being “involved” at Ibrox may provide a wee boost to the Murray camp ahead of the AGM and thus alarm the more timid souls of the Rangers fanbase.

    Curiously, AJ seemed to contradict himself in the Daily Record when he said:

    “The reality is the team is adequate and will see Rangers through the next couple of seasons.

    “That’s why I would describe myself as being long-term optimistic.”

    So Johnston fears that Craig Whyte is doing a Blofeld behind the scenes but his “malevolent influence” (yes, he used these melodramatic words) has not prevented him making sure that Rangers have a good team on the pitch.

    AJ’s real motive might be seen in this telling statement:

    “I don’t know if Dave King is the only show in town. The shareholders who back Paul Murray will believe he’s one of the shows worth considering.”

    I think most Rangers fans will be able to see through this scare story in the Record which is designed to further destabilise the club and cause discord among fans.

    Bluenoses must learn to discern these crass attempts to scare and thus manipulate them.

    The old saying rings true: There is nothing to fear except fear itself.

    Spot on though Same could be said for your blog.

  5. I completely agree with you on that point. We should have some form of representation but given the structure of the SFA board it would not be in the best interests of the three divisions we would serve for us to be the representative. Bill Darroch will do a better job of serving all thirty clubs he represents than we would as he will understand better what the lesser clubs require to move forward and be succesful. Rangers representing the 3 lower leagues would be like a multi-millionaire representing the poorest constituency in the country in the house of commons.

    You're right but my main problem with the SFA is that they're doing everything they can to distance themselves from us and do the complete opposite RE Celtic and I feel uncomfortable that a man who wanted our titles taken away without trial now hold a position of power in the SFA

  6. Sorry, It wasn't simply aimed at you, just the general rage about this appointment. Tin hat firmly on here but surely at least one of the two clubs that anyone in this shitey wee country gives a fuck about should be represented?

    And in all fairness it would make no real sense for us to represent the three lower divisions as whats best for us is massively different to whats best for clubs like stenhousemuir, east fife or arbroath. Guys like Bill Darroch will do more to help those clubs than the likes of Mather would.

    Rangers fc represent more than 40% of the people in this country who actually go watch football if that's not worth some representation what is?

  7. Its a fairly simple question

    Stewart Regan - No Club

    Campbell Ogilvie - No Club (Formerly Rangers & Hearts) Forced to take a back seat last summer due to his confit of interest

    Alan McRae - Cove Rangers

    Rod Petrie - Hibs

    Neil Doncaster - No club

    Peter Lawwell - Celtic

    Dr Andrew Waddell - Preston Athletic/East of Scotland Football League

    Sandy Stables - Keith

    Michael Johnston - Kilmarnock

    Bill Darroch - Stenhousemuir

    Duncan Fraser - Inverness Caledonian Thistle

    So, can someone explain how Lawwell being appointed is a conflict of interest yet none of the others are?

    fixed that

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