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Posts posted by phreeky

  1. a disgusting thing to do betting on anyone losing their job

    Doesn't sound nice when put like that, but he isn't exactly a man who has spent his life on minimum wage is he? No doubt the biggest hit would be to his pride (not that it should be understated).

    Pretty big news though, from what I've seen betting suspension is normally as a result of some quite solid information.

  2. There is actually some real talent in that midfield. The ironic thing for me, considering our dirth of strikers, is that there is probably more attacking flair in that midfield than we have seen at Ibrox for many a year.

    Could almost pass it around all the way to the back of the net if the attacking components of that midfield were used properly IMO. OK, so it's not equiv to Barca quality, but neither is the opposition we're facing.

    With such a strong midfield the key will (should) be the passing game. Move the ball, make the opponents work, and draw them out of position. Rather than whinge about the lack of strikers we should look at and take advantage of the strengths of the squad.

  3. What I've found concerning is the lack of evidence of a long term plan. I think "coaching" is a key word, it's what has gotten smaller-budget sides to respectable stages in the CL. Does Ally have the ability?

    I'm not going to hide it, I don't think he does. I think too many jump to his defence, but what people need to remember is that many great players don't make great managers. It doesn't take away what he has done for the club, and 99% of those questioning his management capabilities would agree. The club is in a pivotal point in its history, where money is low and pride needs to be restored and the efficient use of what is still a good squad needs to be maximised. I hope Ally can do it, in fact I believe he is capable if he'd accept his shortcomings and try to continue educating and improving himself - it's up to him really.

  4. I'll put my neck out here and say there is more quality now in the Scottish national set up than the aussies imo. They have the odd standout like Cahill, I like him but lately nothing, as far as the a league goes whenever I see a game it bores the tits off oh me.

    Quite amusing that Cahill would struggle to make the national team bench at the moment. Australian GKs in a few big teams (i.e. EPL, Bundesliga), a few midfielders and defenders getting around in quality sides (good Championship sides, Eredivisie etc), and defenders and strikers in the biggest Asian leagues doing well (J-League and K-League). And yet Matt McKay had got himself into the position as an almost certain starter in the national team and was considered by his team mates to be a standout. Furthermore players like Kewell and Emerton that have gone back to the A-League haven't exactly been standouts, I think they've been a little shocked themselves.

    If McKay doesn't appear to be good enough for Rangers then that's fine, or perhaps such a player simply doesn't fit into McCoist's plan which is also fine. But why keep McKay and others signed up and costing $$ if they don't bring anything to the team? Not only is it costing money, but without getting game time then their monetary value is only going to go down and it's going to cost us in the long run. Nobody is benefiting from this. It doesn't matter whether you argue he is any good or not, McCoist is costing the club by doing this.

  5. The issue just needs to be finished with. McKay and the other signings that are not utilised are:

    1) Wasting $$$

    2) Wasting players careers, whether you care for those players or not

    3) Making Rangers a less appealing side from a career PoV, a risk that you may end up sitting in the stands

    There is effectively nobody benefiting from this in the long term, so why haven't they parted ways? Sure in the short term the players are being payed but it's not doing their careers any good so I don't see it as a benefit to them.

  6. The most annoying thing is that we can actually play very good football, we just choose not to at times.

    Agreed. And it almost seems as if the players want to as well. It's those that play how McCoist wants them to that play the ugly style, but of course McCoist will keep playing those that follow his instructions and therefore the regulars are the ones most people complain about. The nicest football has been when we suffer an injury and the game plan goes out the window and the players figure it out themselves - scary stuff.

  7. The tactics are poor and we're being saved by some individual talent, which ultimately is covering over the cracks and not leading to the changes that are needed.

    If that's how we're going to play then we ought to sink money into good strikers and defenders and have some average midfielders because the midfield isn't being utilised properly anyway. In fact the midfield doesn't even apply any sustained pressure and fight to get possession back quickly, and unfortunately those in the squad that do are seen as "running around like a headless chicken" as somebody said about McKay in the short time he has had on the pitch.

  8. So McCoist wanted McKay to take the offer then? Can't be in McCoist's plans then (not exactly surprising), so despite the ME idea being silly I think it'd be unwise to rule out other loan options.

    Broadfoot is obviously important to McCoist, as is Fleck at the moment, and Edu looks likely to stay if there is no significant compromises. Cannot see the shape of the Rangers side changing at all, personally.

  9. And yet so many of those players have hardly had any game time, who would buy them? For all they know they cannot even kick a ball anymore. Surprise surprise, everyone wants one of the few that actually get on the field.

    How did that happen though? You cannot select a different squad each week. It happened when so many were signed and then not utilised. It happened recently and I hope it does not happen again, a few < 500k transfers that are "squad players" giving us nothing is a waste.

  10. Makes me wonder how many quality players have we (or will we) potentially miss out on because they considered Rangers too much of a gamble and didn't want to spend their time warming a bench?

    Is that how we want potential players seeing Rangers? Or ask yourself this question, if you were a young lad playing regular first team football in a reasonable league and Rangers came calling, seeing how the current squad is utilised, what would you do?

    Get rid of the guys that aren't even making the bench regularly.

  11. He doesn't need a larger squad, he just needs the right squad (could actually do with a smaller squad) and needs to use them properly.

    He wants quality players sitting out matches as backup, and we're not playing enough matches to utilise such a squad - if we didn't get knocked out of competitions it might be a different matter. It will result in a lack in harmony within the team, and worse than a small but quality squad is a bunch of disheartened boys hoping for a transfer.

    The squad should be padded by youngsters with the aim of developing them instead. Furthermore he doesn't even play a consistent structure so there's no particular need to have alternative options of a great variety either, a full team of utilities would be best for Ally the way he is doing things.

  12. Are people really making out McKay is a world superstar? It's not that he is the ultimate player, or go onto great great things at another club, it's that we've been lacking so much in midfield and had a proven (in internationals at least) good solution either on the bench or not even in the squad.

  13. There's is no way it was a masterstroke. In fact this game reinforced my opinion that McCoist is out of his depth, as it is very clear it wasn't his preferred team yet it performed exceptionally better than what he wants on the pitch.

    The question is, will he see the light or will he go back to his usual ways? If he learns from it, it may be the lesson he needed and could be his turning point.

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