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Posts posted by Bazza

  1. The thing about HMRC is it has a duty of care to the taxpayer. Their actions in this case could be argued as a breach of that duty and therefore there may be a case for damages.

    Their duty was to accept any settlement rather than none at all.

    IF Rangers lose the appeal the case would have to be heard all over again and even then HMRC may not win, pissing more of our money away.

    Even if they did win they will get fuck all or next to fuck all cause the club they are pursuing have been liquidated cause of their negligence in not accepting the CVA.

    They're desperate to get a precedent set against a football club that cannot defend itself so they can chase others.

    It hasn't worked and they should have taken the beating and stopped when they lost the original case.

  2. A huge congratulations!!

    The man epitomises Rangers.

    It was amazing to see him bag his 100th career goal and to do it on the day he led out the Gers as Captain.

    Through all the deserters and men who would like to call themselves Rangers, he stands head and shoulder above.



  3. Im I missing something.

    Mr Green was quoted, on 2nd July, saying the following:-

    "People who know me well say I talk too much but in reality the fans are angry here because I haven't said enough. It's because I haven't answered all the questions but over the next seven days, all the questions will be answered."

    Why hasnt Media etc pushed him on this!

    Might be because the idiots ruining (oops, running) the game decided that they couldn't decide on anything at all really and put off another attempt until this coming Friday to make said decision.

    Just a thought.

  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2103748/Former-Rangers-keeper-Andy-Goram-admits-alcoholic.html

    Alcoholic Goram admits friends gave him five-years to live unless he kicked the bottle

    Former Rangers and Manchester United goalkeeper Andy Goram has been told to give up alcohol or run the risk of dying in the next five years.

    Goram has admitted he is an alcoholic and is trying to kick the bottle.

    Friends gave the 47-year-old the ultimatum after his life began to spin out of control and he was dumped by his partner after a bender.

    He said: 'I’d had enough. I’d been drinking for 32 years, since I was 15. I’ve had a good kick at it.'

    The former Scotland keeper, who played at Ibrox for seven years and made two appearances for Manchester United in 2001, was famously dubbed The Goalie and revealed he gave booze the red card three months ago after furious partner Elaine Mitchell ordered him out of the home they shared in Lanarkshire.

    He said how he went to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings after his drinking destroyed some of his closest friendships.

    He added: ‘I stood up and said, ‘I am Andy Goram and I am an alcoholic.’ I had never classed myself as that but I had to be honest now and say that I was.

    'There were friends around me who gave me five years to live if I had carried on the way I was. They were right — if I had kept going and rattling the drink I would not have been here in five years’ time.'

    Now Goram insists he had had to re-evaluate his life after it spiralled out of control.

  5. With a lot of the pre-MW3 talk about clans and clan levelling etc I'd like to learn a bit more on how i works.

    Does anyone know if you have to actually register a clan name with Elite or do you just use it as your in gamer tag to trigger the clan levelling thats being talked about?

    In Black ops the [WATP] clan was a cracking group that won a vast amount of games played, it would be good if we could get it levelled up to the max.

    In anticipation, I've fully updated the gamertags in the pinned threads above so everyone get adding and use [WATP] as your in game clan tag.


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