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Posts posted by Jig

  1. Im not going into this too much mate, imo your view towards my club is honkin, so much so id actually question who you support, if i didnt think id end up in bother over it.

    We still went out and bought davis AFTER kaunas, so you were wrong,

    Its just my opinion, yuove even given to ginger bigot across the city because he signed some younge players. Go and watch them then, truth be told, if it wasnt for the financial mess we find ourselves in, we'd more than likley be above they cunts yet again. But aye, good on them building for the future. :wanker:

    Imo you are paranoid and fail to understand the bigger picture.

    He was at the club the season previous, i was right.

    How you can come to that conclusion given how our season was panning out before we went into administration is beyond me.

    Building for the future is the most cost effective strategy for our club to progress.

  2. Being an absolute stand out and being miles ahead of your team mates/opposition at the age 14/15 (which he undoubtedly was) when the Fleck hype was in overdrive, is no guarantee of maintaining that progress a few years further on, i remember his goals v the tims youths and yes they were special, he has brought none of the magic of his youth to the first team, not even a hint that there is lots to come.

    Thats a decent reply and one i can agree with.

  3. I honestly think that he is not a good footballer, not once in any of the games has he done something that marks him out as a potentially great player, Aluko has shown is his short spell at Ibrox that he has "it" Fleck imo has not, its not his fault he was megahyped as a kid though.

    There must have been a reason he was megahyped as you put it. He obviously showed pieces of magic or skill which the ordinary footballer didnt. The comparison with Aluko is unfair i think. Few years difference in age and maturity and Aluko has also got over 100 first team games under his belt.

  4. Charlie Adam was the same, I'm pretty sure he was good enough for Rangers.

    Fleck is only 20, Ferguson was the same age when he just came through. Too much expectation piled on top of lack of playing time is Flecks problem.

    To say he will not be good enough is crazy imo given his young age.

    Spot on, the only reply this thread needs. The rest is just out and out stupidity from people writing him off. I can only imagine what their motives are for that.

  5. Hes not a machine, hes a wee boy from Glasgow, barely out of puberty, thrown away to another country in a strange town and strange team and asked to go in and make an immediate impact. It was never going to happen. This is his home and under the right coaches he will be a useful Rangers player. I sincerely hopes he gets his chance here. It will be one hell of a wasted talent if we force him out like we have other footballers.

  6. They are trying their hardest to aid Celtic and Lennons trophy count. With Rangers out the picture, there is no one to stop them. This front for Liewells agenda has been clear from day one.

  7. One mistake! :D

    Yet another one who sticks to the 'everything I did was for the good of Rangers' line because their ego just can't accept their failings.

    Murray is a proven liar who sold us to the devil because his fucking ego couldnt deal with what was around the corner.

    One mistake? Aye very good, keep hiding behind your lies.


    Fuck off and die ya cunt. :angry:

    This thread can go on for 1000 pages but these 3 posts will be the best and most accurate of them all!

    Well said lads.

  8. not 100% sure but I think it was actually something along the lines of Klos saying he kept himself in shape and ready. The reserve games should be used to give the younger goalies a chance and that is why he prefered not to play in reserve matches. Maybe someone can confirm the datelines but that would have been the time that Greegs was coming through ..

    Klos was amazing and Mcleish fucked him over in a manner that I personally found disgusting .... total lack of respect towards the player and imo was something which was visible in the manner in which Mcleish treated the majority of players he didnt sign .... Amo willing to play for 10k but punted so he could bring in fanfan for 30k , rodriguez for 25k , shota not given a new contract , rickson stripped of captaincy after having his best season for the club ....

    Thats a good post. I forgot about Arveladze, my favourite player at that time too. I was so sad to see him go. What a player.

  9. how do you actually come to the conclussion of excuses for the gaffer?? Facts are not excuses!! You can't stick a jockey on a donkey and expect him to win the Grand National ... the early season performances and results showed what could be achieved but when the squad required freshness or cover for injuries we had none. At the same time players performed to levels far lelow what was expected ... I am more than willing to understand and accept your points but have the decency to atleast consider others points rather than merley sticking to your own narrow mindend thoughts ,..

    From reading your post. Our early season form seen us knocked out of 3 competitions before September was out. A squad of 35 players had no freshness or cover? Who built that squad? I do agree players performed lower than expected but i have my own thoughts as to why. This is going off topic and will most likely ruin the thread should we continue this particular debate.

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