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Posts posted by Glowingmonkeyhead

  1. Was it just me or did Lee Wallace actually have a good game today?

    After talking to a few people listening to BBC Scotland and Clyde they said he was no where near a Scotland cap.

    personally he is the only guy who can hold his held up high after this defeat

    He is the best left back in Scotland bar none

  2. fuckoff with this toys oot the pram cry babies on this site.

    the team isnt built to win at Dundee Utd this season. If you cant see that it will take another year to build a team then you are a fool

    still guys like Faure and Cribrari should not be at the club but what can you do when our top experianced players like Shiels and Black dont turn up?

  3. "orange coloured poppy's" what the hell is this bellend saying in his letter? I didnt see anything of the sort.

    The minutes silence before the game as impeccable and was very sombre

    At half time current troops - serving and personal with was injuries had a chance to take the thanks of the Rangers fans most of which are also Rangers fans.

    If you look at what is happening right now in Scotland with this sort of nonsense and even Celtic fans getting mentioned as supporters of the Yes Independance campaign as well as the flag issue in Belfast then it is clear to see that there is an agenda being pursued by high level republicans and nationalists who will take any step to take offence and drive divide in their own communities for whom they are supposed to serve and protect.

    If this was to happen in America there would be an up roar!! we need to take a stand against this underhand shenanigans

  4. To be fair the Police have a tough job to do and if it werent for fans defending other fans from arrest (which is just stupid) then these situations may never arise.

    Often Police will want to take someone out the crowd to have a word or give them a warning. Not allowing this is mob rule and makes us look at bad as the bheasts in TGB!

  5. If an International Bank or Company on the stock market was falsely chased by HRMCwas forced to close would the share holders not have a legal right to claim/sue to get themselves back in the position they rightly belong?

    If people were told that an Institution like Iron Bru was cheating the tax man for £70m by journalists and bloggers for example!

    Would they have found a buyer?

    If this led to the national brand having to lose employees and dramatically down scale I am sure the Scottish Government etc would have been up in arms if these claims were found out to be false!

    The Silence is defining from a Government who is wasting away Scotlands future hoping to win Independence in which it looks like they will encourage this sort of underground paranoia and ignorance that effectively fits their agenda!

    Luckily as Rangers is a Football club started in 1872 the company who ran the clubs affairs from 1899 that has went into trouble is only a business. The Club remains intact but many Rangers fans have lost money through shares & debenture seats and I see no reason why they should not be entitled to recourse on their loss.

    We need some one in position to speak out against this sort of corruption on our behalf before we totally get marginalised.

  6. Alexander 7 - looked urgent and defo helped set the pace

    Faure 6 - decent

    Perry 7 - solid

    Cribari 7 - composed

    Wallace 8 - quality

    Aird 8 - could be a star

    McCulloch 8 - Captains performance

    MacLeod 8 - the boy has talent beyond his years

    Argyriou 7 - decent but a good wide man - which we desperately need

    Shiels 7 - looked like he enjoyed himself tonight - get the confidence and he will be brilliant

    Sandaza 4 - looked keen but took a bad one

    Hutton 7 - Why he not been involved recently - looked hungry

    Crawford 6 - Came off the bench and did well

    McKay 6 - Same as Crawford, a few good runs.

    MOTM: Fraser Aird

  7. Old Charles once again has told the truth and challenged the SPL/SFL conspirators - lets see this 5 way draft with titles stripped.

    He is also correct that the panel Lord Nimo & co will be impartial but what evidence have they been shown and what is their jurisdiction in this matter? If it has been set by the SPL/SFA from information gathered by Celtics lawyers then there is a BIG issue.

  8. People should not post if they dont understand the facts as this shite getting discussed on hear just plays into the hand of our enemies and their shite stirring.

    Rangers are not getting investigated by the SPL for using EBT's.

    EBT's are/were perfectly legal while we used them.

    HMRC have taken on the Old co over our administration of EBT's but no judgement has been made and the decision whatever it is will not be used to strip titles from Rangers. No charges will be criminal and any money deemed owed comes out the creditors pot controlled by Duff & Phelps.

    The SPL are investigating Rangers for players dual contracts not disclosed to them.

    EBT's are not contractual thus no side / dual contract.

    SPL / SFA aware of Rangers's EBT's for years as stated in our audited annual accounts.

    Celtics EBT case with Juninho is same as Rangers and the fact he got the money when he left has no baring otherwise why do all clubs just arrange to pay players peanuts with a huge golden handshake when the leave?

    Anyway dont believe all the fiction coming from the filth and post it on hear as fact = your letting Rangers down

  9. Forget the league table, we will finish first. The inadequacies in Ally as a a manager are glaring. With regard to on field matters, he has failed to implement any meaningful style of play on the team. His sole tactic away from home appears to be the long punt up the park.

    I have alluded to this before, and I will do again. How do we judge Ally as a manager against such abysmal opposition? Victories of course are sufficient for a sizeable chunk of the support, but for others, and myself, that is not enough. For our wilderness years to be beneficial to the club in the longer term, we need to adopt a modern and fresh approach to our game. This means, ball on the deck and passing and moving. We cannot play as well as Barcelona, but we can give it a damn good go. I am not thinking about next week, or next season, I am thinking about 4, 5 years down the line, when we are back in Europe and competing in the top flight.

    Too many are concerned with the short term, but the short term is not what concerns me. It is the long term. The question the support need to ask themselves is, are we happy to stroll through the division with the sole aim of just doing enough? or do we want a bit more. If like me, you want Rangers to develop a positive and fresh outlook to the game, then clearly Ally is not the man for this job. Its not personal, how could it be with Ally.

    What a fud you are. You want to see a long term change yet think Ally should have us playing this new brand of football after only 10 games!

  10. Ally is the manager and we can only properly judge his managerial qualities once he has time to put this completely new team together.

    So far we are unbeaten. We have knocked out a team from 2 Div's up twice and have demolished everyone we play at Ibrox. Its not great we have struggled away in the 3rd Div but I am 100% sure this will not continue.

    The real test comes when we see where we are after 20 games in the league (im sure we will be top by miles) and how we handle the cups with Motherwell currently the best team in the SPL coming to Ibrox. I am still of the opinion Ally will see us good.

    Now I know our greatest ever player in John Greig never made it as a manger at Ibrox but you know what lets give Ally a couple of seasons to see what he is about as a manger because as a Ger is the greatest and we will the league at a canter!

    People seem to forget that until we lost Naismith (traitor) after 2 months with injury and then Jelavic half way through the season he was storming the SPL with Lemmon looking suicidal. Then with the administration the season was a gonner. His first season can not be looked at as evidence of his managerial skills.

    If Sir Alex Ferguson had this stick after 2 years at Man Utd and they did not stick by him then they would never have had the success they have had so give him time.

  11. Sounds promising if we sign someone like David Templeton. I would have had him even if we were in the top flight and nice to see we are after a quality winger.

    I also think we will sign some decent Scottish experience as-well.

    Lets give McCoist a bit of time - does my head in with these reflex posts when we dont win. Alley has had the weirdist/ mental pre season ever so give him time to settle on his team, tactics and fitness and we will romp the 3rd and 2nd Div's. May even do alright in the cups.

    Mon the Gers

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