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el fergo

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Posts posted by el fergo

  1. The speakers I have on my PC are utter shite and I dont want to spend money on another set. So what I was thinking is...

    I have a brand spank sent of old sony XPlods that I never used on the car and I want to use them for my PC.

    Would it be easy enough just to cut the speaker wires that are on the shitty speakers and solder them to the 6x9's? or am I gonna blow something and wish I spent money on new bloody speakers in the first place?

    What's the worst that can happen? I have connected a 12" sub into an old Hi-Fi system before and the worst that happened there was everything sounding like Barry White.

    Help needed please!

  2. Should'nt have to compare them! HS was fantastic. Probably the best football moment of my life so far.

    Ive heard folk down the pub asking...should we concentrate on the SPL the UEFA? We are in the position to do both and I really hope we do!

    I'm not from Glasgow, I'm not even close, but Rangers is the team I support and weather it be on the telly or you lads & lassies heading down to manchester, I will raise my voice!

    You are the fans that attend games week after week! You are fucking brilliant!

    We are the people, we are the team and we will do th quad!

  3. System Shock 2 Join us! Join the many! fantastic.


    Fallout 2 Gamble, Screw and Steal...Dont forget to whore your wife for extra money!


    Return to Castle Wolfenstein Halt!


  4. That doesn't mean anything?

    This is not me pouring cold water on Rooney - he's world class. I am just saying that imo Walcott looks a potentially better player.

    Furthermore, Rooney's club in 2004 was Everton - he moved to Utd in August that year. It was a tad easier for him to be a regular for Everton than Walcott to be a regular for Arsenal.

    I just want to know why you think Walcott at 19, who is only in the Arsenal team because Rosicky and Eduardo are injured looks a potentially better player than Rooney?

    Like I said, Rooney was headlining Euro 2004 at 18! not just on the bench and at 19 he was a regular and still is for Manchester United.

    What's your point? I never said Walcott was better than Messi?

    I know you never, but look at the player's around Walcott's age...






    He is nowhere near the level of these player's.

    You claim he is a class act, I think he is lagging behind. That's not to say he wont become a very good player though...cant write off a lad who is only 19.

  5. He's still young, but from what I have seen of him, he is looking more promising than Rooney did at the same age.

    Not at all. Walcott (19) is warming the Arsenal bench and getting 15 - 20 mins here and there while Rooney at the age of 18 was headlining Euro 2004.

    Walcott is looking very promising but others in the same age group like Messi, Fabregas, Aguero and Anderson are already asserting themselves as first team players while Walcott is only in the team because Rosicky and Eduardo are out injured.

  6. Here is the bosman list: http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?...3&hl=bosman

    oh ffs sorry. I fooked up

    You have 10M to spen + the free bosman's and you are limited to 50k wages

    Sagnol- RB - 1.5M - big wages

    Risse - LB - 3M - 5M Will sell for less if he isn't in the same league? + big wages

    Wes Brown - Bosman - 50K wages

    Klasnic - Bosman - Big wages

    Just drunken talk in the pub but a back line of Sagnol, Brown, Cuellar, Risse sounds fkin fantastic!

  7. rangers doesn't have an apostrophe in it. petty i know but since you've slagged big kirk i feel free to point out your shite english.

    and is considered a decent enough player by walter smith to get a run in the first XI. i know whose opinion i rate the higher.

    that said, he was poor. but the guy in front of him was awful...MOTM winning tackle at the end apart.

    Not a problem. Broadfoot is not good enough for Rangers (Is that better for you?) He is a liabillity! In fact "big Kirk" is a fu**ing donkey!

    Why anybody tries to defend him is beyong me.

  8. Player: Allan McGregor.

    Tune: Queen - Flash.

    Allan, ah-ah..he'll save every goal for of us..

    boom, boom,boom,boom,boom...

    Allan, ah-ah he'll shag everyone of us...

    boom, boom,boom,boom,boom...

    Allan, ah-ah,... he's a miracle!...

    boom, boom,boom,boom,boom...

    Allan, ah-ah, he saves the impossible,

    he's for everyone of us,

    stand's for everyone of us,

    He'll save with a mighty hand, every shot, evey corner, every kick. the mighty shags..

    This took us 4 hours in the pub to come up with this. What ye got?

  9. Would be nice if we gave him a song. We don't give our past heroes a good enough reception. They could get a better build-up from Bowie too, to be fair.

    Status Quo's rocking all over the world theme

    Ah here we are and here we are and here we go


    Here we go, SCORING all over the world

  10. Sorry but if it wan't for the Bremen keeper we would have walked away with nothing. Some of our play is just so pathetic at times.

    Fantastic result but we will have to improve if we are to progress.

    Well give us your suggestions on how to improve el fergo ? Yawn ! :rolleyes::sherlock:

    Better passing,

    Look instead of punting an aimless ball up the field,

    Some communication so that players can turn and play the ball back to Cuellar/Weir/McGregor instead of trying to hold up the ball in midfield (Hemdani) or on the wing's (Papac&Broadfoot) which always result's in a punt up the park to the oppositions defenders.

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