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Posts posted by chris81

  1. since we've drawn motherwell in the cup iv seen all this talk about boycotts again.

    was just wondering what people really thought about this as i think it's rather pathetic.

    did anyone really want to be voted back into the spl? like we are some special case and have it held against us for the rest of our supporting careers? because i certainly didnt.

    Agree with you bud. I tried to put a similar point across on another thread but I thought I was the only one thinking this. They were right to vote us out. I'm happy with that. It's the glee, smugness and hatred that it was done with that gets me. That and the fact they tried to fast track us back in and force the sfl to vote us into sfl1 and blackmailed us denying the sfl of our tv money. Thats why I want to see them suffer not because they voted us out.

  2. Fuck em. I think not voting us back into the spl was the right decision. I do not blame them for that. It was the delight and sheer hatred with which they done so that gets me. Every spl club, every journo and every fan all took great delight in our situation. They just couldnt wait for the day they could say Rangers are dead. They failed. I must say I'm surprised at the mhanks and the sheep, I thought they would have made more of an effort to attend games etc but they have only succeeded in showing the country what they really are... nobodys. In trying to destroy us they have shown us up for what we really are..the biggest club in Scotland. It has back fired on them and now I will take great delight in watching them fall apart one by one. I can honestly say if any of them had shown a little class in this whole sorry episode I would have sympathised with them, but they didnt and i dont.

    They threw everything at us and we came out stronger. They will try every underhand tactic they can in their desperation. Thats the price you pay when you're the biggest. I for one welcome the (albeit a very dirty) chase.


  3. I used to stay in Aberdoom. 6 long years. I used to struggle on a regular basis to find a pub to watch Rangers in. Especially in the Champions League. They would rather watch Man U "because of the fergie connection" All EP fans apart from when it suits them. They would rather hate Rangers. If they put as much effort into supporting their joke of team they might not be so shite with a rancid, ugly bastardin "stadium".In the end I just bought Sky. Aaaaannnyway, The Adam Lounge on Holburn street was ok as they had a good few screens to show different games.

    Edit: Or the bridge bar on bridge street

  4. 15,000 shy? Aye and the rest. When I seen the score at 2 each today and 10 minutes to go I put on a stream of the game for a nosey. There was definitely less than 30,000 at their game. Stadium was half fucking empty. More lies from Parkhead or maybe an honest mistake using the Seville calculator? If they're counting season tickets then somebody better tell them that tickets sold is different from bodies through the turnstiles.

    No excuses for the cunts either. School uniforms have been bought, its a pay weekend, game wasn't on telly, game was at 3 o'clock on a Saturday, weather was ok.........I could go on.

    aye but, it's the weans but, they need some sunny d fur eh packed lunch mucker, no wit a mean? at's no an excuse urr nuffin

  5. :clap:

    Comedy Genius


    I would consider getting rid of everything green that you own, seriously though, i never buy clothing that is green.

    Done! The shower gel and fairy liquid is in the bin. I've also ripped down my kitchen tiles (they had a little green in them) :lol: Now you mention it I actually dont own any green clothng either # brainwashed

  6. I started a thread about the treatment of Ian Black and I was in his corner - I know it might smack of hypocrisy... But not like many posters on here that wanted him hung, drawn and quartered just months ago...

    Now he is roundly booed by 'Scotland fans' in an international match in Edinburgh.

    I have to say that I was embarrassed and disgusted by what happened to Ian Black... But I will not give up this country to the haters.

    No fucking way.

    I am a Rangers fan AND a Scotland fan. I cannot give either up...

    How can some on here say that they have been Gers fans since birth and then deny others the same right for their international side....?

    I was brought up on world cups which used to mean something before Sky and Uefa brainwashed people with the Champions League.

    This is a crossroads right now. There are many people who have shown hate towards Rangers and they have my utter contempt... But if they think that we are not going to support our own national team they are mistaken as there are many Bears you have been Scotland fans since they can remember.

    I am also sick of the opportunists who NEVER supported Scotland in the first place laying claim to this battle. Again, I would ask them about the hate they dished out to Ian Black just recently... Take a step back... Nay... Step aside... the Scottish Bears will deal with this one.

    I am hurt by the division but I remain both a Rangers fan and a Scotland fan... I don't support an organisation like I don't support a company... Is that really so outlandish...?

    This. (tu)

  7. aye, you are right enough. Forget all this "living within our means" and running us in a fit and proper manner that cg was talking about. Crack open that 30mil and get splashing that cash. Didnt do us any harm last time right? :rolleyes:(td)

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