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Posts posted by Gordy61

  1. I was at the final there the year we trebled,under WS..We played Aberdeen and Neil Murray scored if I remember rightly,but the old grey cells get mixed up now and again.The treble at thier midden.I was singing the sash in the jumgle.I hope Im not wrong,Iv`e lived with that in my head for years

    Come to think of it,if Im wrong,no-one tell me please.

    That would be cruel

    Maybe it was the last final before the midden got a quick once over.Hampden being renaveted at the time,and thats why the final was at their place.

    I was belting out the sash in the jungle thats for sure.It was a special game for some reason.

  2. I would say Daly, Clark, Law, Mohsni and Bell should be automatic choices and the team built around them. Who ever is on form should take up the other roles. Personally I would rather have Gallacher in goal but that's my heart ruling my head.

    I`d throw young Mcleods name in there

  3. Excellent article. d'art

    The rats must know by now their days are numbered and Rentokil will soon be calling.

    Much as I hate to say it, those bastards got a bandwagon going that sniffed about every single move Rangers made and used it to cause us trouble.

    I've always thought we should be doing the same to them, legally, and checking their dealings

    I'd be willing to bet Liewell is shitting himself in case that happens as there will be many dodgy deals and incorrect paperwork from them whether deliberate or accidental.

    As long as we take the view that we won't sink to their level , we hand them the high ground and let them get away with it.

    I`m on the case of Nil By Mouth at the moment.We must fight for equality here

  4. Never forget, how about some cunt at least acknowledge the blackmail and speak out about it. An injustice the press feel is not braw worthy.

    Now I expect a slight tidal change and these people masquerading themselves as press and media should do what they should be doing.

    Well.I think we should be at least looking for JT to use all his press contacts EVERYWHERE to get this out there.We need to fight back and go on the front foot here.

    Earn your corn Mr Traynor.

  5. They offered us a "deal" in return for our license back in July.This included the loss of titles and cups.Thank fuck we didn`t cave in.

    I have so many mixed feelings at the moment,the 2 most prominent ones being relief but also anger.

    The cabal that tried to screw us over must be hunted from Scottish Football now.

    That means Liewell,Regan,Doncaster et al.

    May they rot in hell.

    And for any lurking manhk


    54 and counting!

  6. With JT now with Rangers Who does he reach in the mainstream press too publish our points or is it just the selected few that follow the Rangers boards and RM along with our 87 guests.

    With JT now with Rangers Who does he reach in the mainstream press too publish our points or is it just the selected few that follow the Rangers boards and RM along with our 87 guests.

    His last article was circulated by Twitter and widely praised down south and retweeted literally thousands of times.I can`t remember how high it was exactly but the right people read it,ie the English sporting press.We are a big story down there with our revival and crowds etc.He`s getting the message out to a wider audience due to the respect they have for him in England.Todays article wasn`t just for home consumption,in my opinion it also shows the biased manner in how we have been treated,which will be helpful should we need to apply to another league etc.His influence in the press down south will be vital.We are fighting battles as we go,but there is a long game at play here too

  7. Their all going mad saying, why name him it just brings nutters out to give him abuse etc. But they cunts are doing the exact same thing right now to Chris Graham. :lol:

    And have done much worse to football referees when they thought they were all "protestants" and against their team.

    Now theirs no cunt to challenge them football wise at the moment, so they just spend all day sending abuse to Rangers related people on twitter.

    To be fair,they`ve always spent all day abusing and obsessing about all things Rangers.Nothing new there!

  8. We could do with winning as many hearts and minds as possible on our journey back to the top.Therefor I think we should act with dignity,even though others didn`t,and offer a statement of support and a game to help them out.This is a PR open goal for us.

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