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Posts posted by dexiboy

  1. Football is a funny game.yesterday we hit the post twice keeper pulled of a couple of cracking saves and we fucked about in the box with a few other chances.in my opinion we didnt play that bad for the first hour and if we take our chances we win the game comfortably.as for Montrose there goal was an absolute fucking peach nothing any1 could have prob done to stop it.everyone keeps referring to these part time players as baker,butchers etc they are professional players.the dedication of most of the part time players is there to see for every1 to see now I'd bet these boys are out doing extra fitness work this season preparing themselves for four games against us.for some of these its s chance of a lifetime and maybe even get a move to a big club because of the media coverage.as for ally he'll be the first to admit its not going well with some of the players he has brought in but what can he do about it fuck all his hands are tied and have been since he took the job.every manager we have ever had has signed bad players and spent more cash on fees and wages than ally.in my opinion if the lawell doesn't change the league set up we will be promoted job done this season then onto year 2 get more experienced players in to help the young boys coming through.if we are playing ing the top league in 3 years time and ally is still here I'll be happy if the same happens and ally's not here I'll still be happy because no man is bigger than the club and ally will still be 1 of my many rangers heroes.watp

  2. That's where all the problems lie.playing 4 defenders against 1 attacker every week.the other team floods the midfied with 5 players against our 4 with no space to play so we start going long up to 1 striker he can't really do much bcoz he's against 4 defenders If its played over the top and if its to his feet there midfielders are rite on top of him.when we are at home play 3 centre backs 4 in midfield with a player either temps or shields in the hole in front of the 2 up front and teams won't live with us.when away from home same back 3 with 1 player sitting in front of defenders black or Hutton 4 midfielders and 2 up front.thats how you play this league.

  3. R.i.p Rab absolutely unbelievable what his family must be going thru at this time.few people on here have raised money for worthy causes I'd like to see maybe 1 set up in rabs honour maybe a brick or money sent to his family to help them with the costs of not 1 but 2 funerals at this sad time.hope this can be done I'd happily donate

  4. Hi there I've got an adult n child ticket for today's game at ibrox for free if any1 wants them.my boy is just been sick and can't go I stay 5 mins from Ibrox you would have to come to mine and collect them and then drop them of again you could park your car at mine if you drive.dont want them to go to waste.pm if amy1 interested cheers

  5. All the best every 1 for 2013. They tried to kill us but they didn't bank on the thousands of bears standing up and fighting for our club.im the first to admit I took supporting rangers for granted but now its more than that to me and till the day I die I will stand up n fight for my club no matter what it takes.so all the bears on RM all the best for 2013

  6. A name known to many, but unknown to many also Walter Barry, Killed while playing a game of fucking football.

    For those who don't know a wee reminder you'll have seen the face:


    didnt know the man but fucking love what the troops do for our country have a few mates in the forces and every time I hear of a death I feel sick.nothing fills me more with pride seeing the troops on ibrox every year tear in the eyes.big man rest in peace thought with ur family lest we forget
  7. Many folk have got it right, the filth will whinge like fuck whatever we do. Fuck them.

    When I was younger we used to make up new words to all the songs. The o'ffending line in TBB became the following:

    "We're up to our knees in chips and cheese, fish suppers and a pie"

    I'll get my coat <cr>

    for we are the chippy Derry boys
  8. i don't want money for it I'll meet some1 at ibrox at next home game if they want it.just thought I'd grab an extra 1 incase any bear wanted 1 that couldn't make the game and all my mates got 1 so this 1 is up for grabs.
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