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Posts posted by desertmoon85

  1. as i said i dont know all the ins and outs but for me it would be good to have a guy like the bomber in charge of things, hes as much a fan as anybody and with findlay providing the brain we could have a team capable of getting rangers back to the days before murray came in,

    dream scenario for me would be the bomber walter smith and donald findlay taking control of the club guys who wouldnt treat the club as a business but as there life and soul,

    i know its a sensitive subject but i would love to see us give 11 brittish protestants back in the team and thats not becuase i hate anybody else or anything like it i know a lot of our fans do hate a certain other religion and have good reason to do so but i just think when it comes to something as historic as rangers the pc brigade of recent years shouldnt have a say in the matter

    1 team for us and another for them..... THESE COLOURS DONT RUN

  2. Again not being one of the abused of rome..i find it strange that someone speaking the truth should dumbfound you!!

    You are a runt of that evil regime if I am not mistaken Y/N

    i litteraly mean youve lost me for words, youve just hit me with some crazy rant completley off the point,

    if anything we are likeminded if you read my last posts i agree none of that ilk should be anywhere near the club and when i say wipe murrays time from the record books the main ones would be the signing of guys like mo johnstone that drove thousands of true loyal fans away when it became a corporate business and lost its character that made us famous, and the banning of our historic anthems was shameful we need someone to get the club back to there roots and brown with findlay could be the guys to do it

    im surprised you disagree tbh

  3. as i spend most of my time in the other part of the world i obviously dont get the 1st hand experience you guys get so ive obviously misjudged the situation with brown but cmon this guy green is upto something i just no it,

    i cant imagine what it must be like to live and work in glasgow just now must be hell

  4. quite surprised to be honest i thought bomber brown would have had the backing of the fans, seems the only real rangers man involved and with a guy like donald findlay beside whats not to like ?

    he wouldnt lie to us surely ?? guys like that typify everything about the club,

  5. just watching his speech in front of the loyal today on utube, stirring stuff brought a tear to my eye with pride.

    when he said he would give up 9 in a row to see us back were we belong in brought the hairs on the back of my neck to stand i completley agree, the way i feel now i would happily disregard the full murray era, it wasnt the real rangers the players will be heros forever but murrays rein was a sham a total egotistical sham that in reality brought us nowhere near were we should have been in european terms.

    just wanted to get some of the other lads opinions on bomber and his bid for the club ?? should we be excited over this or is it yet another false dawn ???

  6. Klos

    Ricksen Amoruso Bougherra Numan

    Laudrup Gattuso van Bronckhorst Albertz

    Novo Prso


    Charbonnier, Porrini, Boumsong, Cuellar, Huistra, Mikhailichenko, Jelavic, Arveladze, Negri, and as many more as you like.

    youve missed the point entirley, yes all good players of course but could we really afford them and there mega inflated wages ???

    would we be in the trouble we were in if we hadnt signed half of them ?

    yes klos (for example)was a brilliant keeper but did we really need a goalkeeper on that kind of money ?

    it would be brilliant if we could keep signing laudrups, van bronkhorts and jelavic's forever but the fact is we cant i dont think we ever could afford it to be fair i dont even think murray put 1 pence into rangers, it breaks my heart to say it but he made a fool of us all what is 10/15 good years if it puts the clubs entire history in jeapordy ??? the club our grandfathers supported with so much pride ? the club of greig struth shearer baxter etc etc real rangers men who played for the love of the club not for the love of the brittish pound,

    i ask you if we make a success of this new club and we are back were we belong challenging celtic in the scottish league, would you rather we went back down the foreign route or do it the right way the way we we were doing it for 100 years before davie murray came in and tarnished the full history of the club we were brought up to love ?? and remember we had more european success before the "superstar foreigners" came in,

    and before all the pc brigade jump down my throat, read a bit about basque club athletic bilbao who only sign players from there region and regulary compete in the worlds top league, so dont try and tell me we couldnt beat celtic with 11 brittish loyalist rangers men,

  7. we would be better off going back to the good old days of 11 brittish protestants in the team, i know plenty of folk who never went back to ibrox after we signed mo johnstone and too right as well ripped the soul out of the club,

    we should have sussed murray back then he was chasing an impossible dream and european glory for his own ego and never gave a fuck about rangers football club or our loyal fan base

    time for a clean break and get back to being the quentisential brittish protestant club for brittish protestant supporters, we dont need all the glory hunters who came on board during the good times get the club back to what is formed for, and the real fans will always be there i would also suggest bringing back our real songs of our history and culture and stick two fingers up to anyone who doesnt like it.

    remember our blood is red our skin is white and our veins our blue...... these colours dont run


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