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New Signing (1/12)



  1. Anyway I think I've taken up too much of your time, reeled a few of you in. (Even though you don't care about a pishy wee club like Aberdeen). Catch ye lads, hopefully won't see ye next season.
  2. It's not about supporting your club, it's about the possibility of playing in a corrupt league where 2 clubs are above the law. What's the point if that's what it's going to be like? Aberdeen aren't the only support that feel this way, every SPL clubs supporters feel the same.
  3. What is it you don't get about paying your bills whether you have debt or not? It isn't illegal, Stewart Milne and Aberdeen Asset Management are guarantuers to the debt and a long term action plan is in place involving the selling of Pittodrie and the building of our new stadium as I previously said.
  4. All opinion and no facts Senna. You do know that if Rangers aren't in the SPL there will be another club that replaces them, (likely Dundee) who historically have taken 2000 fans to Pittodrie so there may be a couple of thousand less for 2 games a season but like I said we'll lose more from season ticket holders not renewing if Rangers are in the SPL.
  5. Agreed about the 1st part but as long as we have Stewart Milne and Aberdeen Asset Management as majority shareholders the bank will never call in our debt.
  6. I don't sing nor do condone those songs, in all truth they are very rarely heard nowadays, Ibrox disaster song I've not heard being sung in years. Most likely you'll say you've heard it recently but you'll be making that up. Like I said before, no rules are broken by having debt as long as you pay your bill. To put your mind at ease we have a long term action plan involving the new stadium and selling Pittodrie which will allow us to service that debt and gradually bring it down. There's no evidence that Sky will be pulling out of Scottish football. Like I said before, we'll lose more money from losing season ticket holders if Rangers stay in the SPL. Happy?
  7. dexiboy I said Aberdeen only need to LOSE 600 season ticket holders to lose the equivalent amount of money that Rangers bring to Pittodrie. FFS
  8. As I said its not against the rules to have a debt if you're paying your bills.
  9. It's not against the rules to have a debt as long as you're paying your bills which Aberdeen are.
  10. You may subsidise clubs like Killie, St Johnstone etc but not Aberdeen. If Rangers are voted back into the SPL Aberdeen only need to lose 600 season ticket holders to lose the equivalent amount of money that Rangers fans bring to Pittodrie. If Rangers play Aberdeen twice at Pittodrie that's 4000 fans each time, around £200000. Equivalent of losing 600 season ticket holders which they will and more if Rangers are still there.
  11. What is it with the Buns and Neil Simpson? Lay off the Daily Retard and their recycled articles everytime Aberdeen and Rangers play. So gullible you lot! Simmie was actually a good player, 1 trophy for every 38.75 games he played for Aberdeen. Thanks to the Glasgow media he'll be remembered by most for 1 bad tackle he made. If any of you were at that game you would know that tackle was just waiting to happen. Both sets of players were flying in on each other. Back on subject though, Rangers should take their medicine and request to be relegated down the leagues without any vote. Then at least people would have some respect for you.
  12. I'm the 1st to admit that Aberdeen are shite as is the rest of Scottish fitba, at least we haven't cheated to gain an advantage over the rest of the SPL. The sad fact is you probably would've won just as much if you'd played within the rules.
  13. Losing £60k a week? Where'd you clutch that made up figure from? If Aberdeen were losing that a week we'd be long gone by now! If Rangers remain in the SPL Scotland will be the laughing stock of world football!
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