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Posts posted by brokebackbear

  1. your team is about 19m in debt,so how is that competing with legitimate means at your disposal?

    brain dead fuckin idiot

    That debt cripples us through repayments. How much of the debt that was absorbed by MIM's £900m owed to Lloyds was subjected to interest payments that Rangers Football Club Plc dealt with?

  2. It's not a matter of not being subject to punishment. Most Rangers fans will realise that we may have to pay for the sins of the criminal Whyte. They also realise that Murray may well have fucked up with the EBTs - although it's important to note that as of this moment, we're only demonstably "guilty" of Whyte's non-payment of duties owed and nothing else. It's the quite legitimate complaint that the likes of yourself do not wish to see equitable treatment of Rangers, but rather our extinction through all the punishments you can conceive. Just come out and admit it. Don't hide behind this 'sporting integrity' bullshit, or through all sorts of powerful allegations that from an objective standpoint don't really stand-up.

    Let me repeat this again for your intellectually deficient self. Rangers were put in administration for the crimes of Craig Whyte. This is why we're here. Under any competent organisation, Rangers would have been sufficiently punished, and then given the opportunity to recover. As it is, we should go to the third division. It's the right thing to do, I dare say we agree here. In a proper footballing country this would occur swiftly and with little fuss, but unfortunately we live in Scotland. One thing for sure, when Aberdeen and the other clubs hit the wall, because the only reason your clubs continues to burden society with its presence isn't there anymore, I won't be crying.

    - Actually, who cares about rational discussion? Back to whereever you came from, and try to develop the ability to think objectively. It helps, honest.

    Cheers for a good reply, I realise I don't necessarily deserve one for some very deep sea fishing.

    I would 100% agree that whatever form Rangers continue in, it should be in the 3rd division. 100%.

    While there were a number of decisions made that led to the situation where Whyte was able to take control and then run your club into the ground, I would again agree that the only punishment that could be meted out was the deduction of 10 points. It's important that everyone (us, the other clubs and you, Rangers) remembers this.

    Things have gone disastrously wrong at Rangers and have done for years. Who knows what is still to come out in the wash. I'm imaging there'll be some truth in the rumours about false accounting and other issues that were hinted at a couple of days ago.

    It's interesting though that you say there are only a few things that the club were demonstrably guilty of. It's true that so far there are only a few things. What is looking increasingly likely though is that there will be much, much more that the 'oldco' will be found guilty of, but that will likely take years to get to the bottom of. I'd offer that it's in everyone's best interest that from a footballing point of view a line is drawn in the sand now and a decision made on how to proceed.

    It's tricky, but the SPL has been thrown a lifeline on it's decision making as Rangers have reached the stage of liquidation and must apply for a transfer of the league share. The other clubs would be mental to allow Rangers in and have revelation upon revelation, be forced to deal with punishment after punishment and draw the whole sorry mess out.

    Starting again in the 3rd division as a new entity gives everyone an out. Rangers (should) know there will be no further punishments and the SPL can get on with normal business without a ridiculous sideshow.

    Personally I think that's enough punishment, and technically, that's only one punishment. I'll not try and insult your intelligence though, if the people in charge of Rangers don't sort the mess out and the club goes, I won't shed a tear.

    We all know though that Rangers will continue somehow, in some form and I genuinely don't know of anyone who actually wants your club eradicated.

  3. It must be awful being you. If Rangers ever did go away, what would you do with your time? You obviously wouldn't follow football still, since it seems you're pre-occupied with hating another football club than supporting your own. I imagine you don't need to be told that there is a distinction between the football club and the operating company, or the numerous examples of other clubs who are recognised as being the same club as before. As we've been forced to recognise recently, the vast majority of Scottish football "fans" would rather there be one rule for Rangers and another rule for the rest. Go away, grow up and try to think about why irrational hatred is such a bad thing.

    Sorry boys, I was giving tonight's game and a few beers my full attention.

    Terrible game. Would've been much better if one of the teams had employed some decidedly dubious financial tactics to give themselves an unfair advantage and then complained vociferously about being caught and being subjected to punishments that meant they finished 2nd instead of, erm, 2nd.

    Well done to whoever spotted in my original post the words "stand free". Yes I was ashamed of my support of Aberdeen and hid it from all of you that couldn't read and think! So, that's most if you actually.

    I'm looking forward to next season and all the clubs fairly competing with the legitimate means at their disposal. If we have less money and have a few shaky moments then so be it.

    In normal circumstances I would likely have some pity with the supporters of a club in your position. However, as Hugh Adam warned some 10 years ago about disastrous consequences if spending continued as it did and everyone stuck their head in the sand and ignored him, I have less pity than I would normally expect.

    The fact that you feel victimised for suffering one penalty so far and show no contrition for your clubs behaviour, along with the conduct of Sally and Sandy Jardine, only enhances my lack of sympathy.

    No one likes you and you don't care. Really?

  4. i take it you are ashamed of your club by not naming them?

    Come on, surely I've given you enough that you can tear me a new(co) one without having to resort to slagging my team?

    Follow your accountants lead and be inventive!

  5. If we wanted to speak to filth we would sign up to their sites.

    You Must be a bit of an attention seeker.

    Like that bird who strung you all along for a hundred odd pages then showed you her legs?

  6. The club's still there. Always has been as far as I'm aware. Ahhh, you mean the company the club was in?

    You've been listening to too much tim propaganda.

    The loathesome former support is still there, I'll grant you that. But the players are contracted to one entity, the image rights and stadium owned by another, neither is currently entitled to play in a league and SFA membership isn't valid unless there is a club in a league to claim membership!!

    Club's dead.

  7. that says more about you than it does us then. why are you so obsessed with rangers anyway?

    This is the biggest thing to happen to Scottish football in decades. It's always nice to know what the other side thinks about it.

    There are a few objective opinions expressed but mainly they get shot down by a torrent of abuse. It's a wonder that anyone tries to have a balanced conversation here

  8. Report him or wait till he finishes his shift and jump him.

    Magic attitude. When someone dares to laugh at your disgusting former club and the mess they brought about entirely on their own, smash his face in.

    Really lovely people. We'll all miss you so much.

  9. Nah, you jumped on the bandwagon. When your shitty little CLUB goes to the wall, don't expect any sympathy from us. Remember to pay those taxes pal, remember, "sporting integrity". Muppet.

    Cheers. Rest assured that we will do.

  10. As an aside, why do you all insist on calling yourself bears?

    Every time you say it all I can think of is two large, hairy, homosexual men locked in a passionate embrace. Odd image to associate yourselves with.

  11. The fact that JJB has to keep a list of things that they are not allowed to print on the shirts of Sevco Pretenders FC is an excellent example of why your soon to be liquidated football club doesn't deserve a 2nd chance.

    The reaction to being called "Newco", a name which is entirely appropriate, shown here is just one of the many reasons the other good, honest people in Scottish football have jumped at the opportunity to dispose of you.

    Filth of the highest order.

    Stand free!!

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