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jimmy millar

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Posts posted by jimmy millar

  1. This guy merits our backing.He must know plenty of bears are waiting for the first missed sitter.He`ll no doubt be getting pelters from uber tims,and apart from anything else,he`ll score plenty,and help in defending corners and free kicks.So come on,let`s show some class and get behind him.

  2. Is this the same Erchie who wrote an article a couple of months ago that the BBC were full of bluenoses when he was a cub reporter,donkeys ago,but had now turned full circle and were now instituitionally anti Rangers.Anyway,anyone who earns their corn in journalism will never agree with banning orders,but I reluctantly agree with it. This latest "exclusive" is yet another attempt to discredit our club,in a very long list of attacks.A line had to be drawn in the sand.I do agree with Erch that it is a merciful release for BBC reporters,as only dyed in the wool Rangers fans would pay to watch the turgid fare masquerading as football we have had to endure this season.However,when new players start arriving and STV get the exclusives,surely someone at the beeb in London will start asking questions.

  3. Can we stop posting about this wee traitorous no mark Everton reserve.Imagine selling your birthright down the river for a few quid.You could have transferred over,you could have still been a bargain for English clubs,and you could have got a small transfer fee for us when we needed it most.I am trying hard to erase you from my memory!

  4. Hate is a destructive emotion,and I do my best to avoid it.The last paysmith thread set me back,and just when my karma is calming,another traitor wants to discuss the club.Alan you sold us down the river,you walked out when we needed you most.We thought you were a real Rangers man.Just shut up,I never,ever want to see,hear or smell you again!

  5. Hearts were my great Granda`s team.When I was a boy many years ago,he took me to a couple of games.Then,they were a proud Scottish team who stood strong against the immigrants team,Hibs.If I had not been the son of a bluenose,they might have been my team,and I would be sorry to see them disappear.Times have indeed changed,and their support for some reason took delight in our financial crisis,as well as Mad Vlad calling us cheats,so I have mixed feelings.If possible a fans buyout might be the answer.

  6. It`s impossible to defend the standard of football that we have endured this season,and that makes Ally an easy target.But let`s get real.Which manager with a pedigree in a safe job is going to jump ship to manage Rangers in the second division,a club in boardroom turmoil?We will be better next season,and I believe we owe it to our manager to give him a season when he can concentrate solely on the team.However, if we are showing little progress by Christmas,then I will sadly join the "Ally Out" chorus.

  7. There was obviously real disharmony in the boardroom.A few weeks ago we had the attempted removal of the chairman.Last week there was the move to axe McDowall and Durrant.It wouldn`t surprise me if the sacking of Sandaza was far from unanimous.The departure of Yeats and Neil Murray,obviously over Ally`s head.The whole carry on about shafting Whyte.Pakigate etc.,Sorry bears big Chuck had to go,and whilst I admired his blunt approach,we need to remember the dignity and tradition of our great club.I`m surprised some are having a pop at Walter on here.The hammer of the bheasts,Rangers through and through.Could be sunning himself,but still trying to do what`s best for Rangers.Ally might not be the best manager we`ve ever had,but I`d trust him over Chuck 365 days a year.Onward and upward.I look forward to some giants joining the board.GSTQ.

  8. puskas, nothing for most the game then bang 0-1,made us pay 2nd leg..

    Stole my thunder.The one,the only Ference Puskas,the galloping major.Played against us for Real in the sixties.All Rangers for 89 minutes,Gento down the wing in a lightning breakaway,cross for Puskas,nearly burst the net.Goodnight Irene!
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