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Posts posted by Causewaybear

  1. I remember not being able to face watching it and being in next on the Boucher road in belfast seriously depressed until my dad rang to tell me Motherwell had scored a second goal, a guy I didn't know overheard me and asked what had happened, I told him and next min him and I are hugging and jumping around in the jeans department with my mrs looking at me like I'd actually lost my mind! One of the best days ever to be a bear!!

  2. Fuck me, after the time we've had when there might not have even been a rangers team to support, people are trying to hound the man that almost singlehandedly stood by the club and the fans and fought our corner.

    Sure, it isn't great at the minute, and if it continues like this then I would agree that Ally perhaps isn't suited to the job

    but we aren't even out of September yet.

    To everyone demanding he go now, what is your proposed alternative?

    This. Most sensible thing said on here tonight!

  3. My heads sore listening to that on alba tonight! Anyway, our team stinks of guys who think they are far superior to the opposition, and just have to turn up to win the game! Tonight proves otherwise! As somebody once said, "you have to earn the right to play" hopefully that tonight is the proverbial boot up the arse that has been required the last few weeks!

  4. Your dad want no concession ticket and wants to pay the full price, BUT he wants the £16 off for his E.S ticket! Have I got this right ?

    Lol I know I thought the same myself, think it's a matter of principle to be honest, and the fact that he is, shall we say, careful, with his money, seriously though, just cause he is in NI why does he not get the £16 deducted from the ST same as the bears in Scotland who where at the east Stirling game? I'd also like to add that he is buying this ST in the knowledge that he won't get to many games and is infact giving it to a friend of mine who lives in Glasgow to go as often as he likes and as that was the case thought it unfair to buy a concession, cheers again for any feedback lads

  5. Just on the topic of ST's, my dad rang the ticket line to try and purchase a season ticket, he is retired and entitled to a concession, however wanted to buy a full ticket to support the club, and even though he had travelled over from NI to watch the east Stirling game and has his ticket to prove it, the guy on the other end said because he was from NI there was nothing he could do re deducting the £16 from the ST price even though my dad said he would post the stub/ticket over. Any suggestions on how to sort this problem out would be much appreciated lads, I told him I'd ask on hear as I was pretty sure I'd find the solution on RM! cheers

  6. Now maybe I'm waayyy off the mark here lads, but, would it be possible, that one of the intelligent guys on here might just have a press card (if there is still such a thing) and could therefore attend the next press conference that regan is giving and present these facts in public and question him on it?? As I said I could totally wrong and accept the ridicule coming my way should that be the case lol!

  7. Why do we feel the need to engage with these dimwits? If I where said timmy in question, I think I'd be more concerned about the upcoming away fixture in the champions league qualifier, (good luck with that, considering lemmons away record) never mind going on social media sights spouting lies and quoting BBC anti rangers propaganda!

  8. From VB

    Rangers fans rightly point out that SFA CEO Stewart Regan has an agenda against the club, and have a wealth of evidence to back up that assertion.

    It’s been well documented both here and elsewhere, that

    Regan is an enemy of the club. His agenda, however, has a more than obvious slant to it, which is why Rangers fans have challenged much of his decision making.

    Interestingly, on “sell out Saturday” on the first day of the new season in Scotland, my information is that Regan may well be sampling the hospitality at the Olympics sprint finals courtesy of Coca Cola, rather than show face at any Scottish stadium.

    I do hope my source is wrong, and that Regan will indeed

    show the Scottish game a modicum of respect.

    While Regan’s agenda is ignored by the Scottish Media, who try and starve the majority of football fans in Scotland of the truth; at least Rangers fans are wise to Regan, who unfortunately adds a level of incompetence to his agenda. This makes it more obvious to us that he is working against us.

    From the recruitment of Vincent Lunny, to the cosy meetings inside Celtic Park, to the illegal punishment of Rangers, to him attending meetings with Celtic supporters groups, then walking out of a meeting with Rangers fans,

    and the ‘favouriting’ of a death threat* to Lee McCulloch, it’s fair to say Regan isn’t very discreet.

    *You can bet your bottom dollar, that had the tweet been about a Celtic player, then this is how the press would have reported it.

    Doncaster, on the other hand has been far more discreet, and his relationship with Celtic’s Peter Lawwell is only now getting some attention.

    In the last fortnight Doncaster and Lawwell have flown together to London for SKY talks, despite Lawwell not having any official Capacity within the SPL Board.

    Most of the Scottish Media reported on these clandestine

    meetings with no comment or question over why Lawwell was there.

    Clearly, thinking it looked suspect, the SPL briefed the media that Lawwell had been appointed to a steering

    committee to discuss the TV Deal. No one questioned it, other than blogger David Leggat.

    Aren’t the SPL board capable of negotiating TV deal on their own? If not, why are they there?

    Why Lawwell?

    Do they know something we don’t? Does he have high level contacts at Sky they thought would swing a deal?

    In any case, the eventual deal rescued some cash for SPL clubs, but at a far lower value. With Rangers now in division 3 and no Old Firm Games, Sky were not willing to play ball.

    It seems that the agenda to remove Rangers from the SPL but keep their TV rights, and keep the quantum of the SPL deal did not work out.

    What it means is that SPL clubs will now have to make drastic cuts to their staff, or go cap in hand to their banks, or they will be in trouble.

    VB has learned that over the last few weeks, when Rangers acceptance to the SFA was under discussion was that the original plan from Regan and Doncaster included very tough sanctions, and that Charles Green was made to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

    Some of the details were leaked as both Doncaster and Regan faced extreme pressure to resign from various SFL and SPL clubs.

    It bought both of them some time, and both have looked and acted more comfortable since.

    The details we have been advised of is that draft 1 was along these lines

    -Rangers stripped of 6 (not 5 as reported) titles

    -Rangers stripped of 4 Scottish Cups

    -Rangers waive any right to challenge any decision from either SPL or SFA for anything else “found” in future investigations

    -Rangers enter SFL Division 1

    -Rangers accept original (illegal) transfer embargo

    -Rangers pay £160,000 Fine

    -Rangers pay outstanding debts to Scottish teams

    -Rangers to be refused entry to European Competition for 5 years

    Charles Green, Ally McCoist and Malcolm Murray challenged the plan very strongly, and last Friday prior to achieving an SFA Licence, made concessions on the fine, the outstanding debts, and a slightly deferred transfer

    embargo, on the basis that our club was now out of Europe for three years, and starting at the bottom of Scottish Football in division 3.

    The Rangers delegation at no point accepted that any titles or trophies should be stripped, and have reached a stalemate with the SPL, who are insistent that they will punish Rangers in terms of titles.

    While their position is somewhat weakened by the fact Rangers have negotiated no cups will be stripped, the SPL are making it clear that they will do as they please.

    When an investigation was launched by the SPL in to Rangers use of EBTs back in March, it was quite rightly pointed out in two blogs that the investigation was flawed, as it was being carried out by the law firm who work for Celtic




    What is interesting is that the investigation has been re-launched. Why it has been re-launched is anyone’s guess, but it is absolutely clear that the SPL intend to strip these trophies.

    Furthermore, the man responsible for choking Rangers finances, and effectively ensuring his own transfer embargo on Rangers while being Lloyds bank’s top man in Scotland, is now working for the self-same lawyers Harper MacLeod.

    Manus Fullerton, who was a founder member of the Celtic Trust, alongside arch Republican Jeanette Findlay and house breaker Alex Mosson, once had full access to

    Rangers finances, and strangled the cash flow of the club. He now consults for Celtic’s lawyers Harper MacLeod, despite not being a lawyer.

    I think it’s fair to ask if Fullerton was head-hunted by MacLeod, why and when, and if he is working on, or has worked on the Rangers case.

    If there is any sniff that Fullerton has breached the confidentiality of his former client he and Macleod should be sued

    In any case, there is a clear conflict of interests for both the firm, and Fullerton.

    Rangers, and Charles Green have a clear case to ask for the case to be scrapped in its current guise. This is potentially more than a conflict of interests. It could be a pre-determined strategy to strip Rangers of titles, by corrupt individuals that should not be allowed to utter the words “Sporting Integrity” ever again.

    Let’s be clear, the only beneficiaries to Rangers being stripped of titles are our enemies across the city.

    This war to keep our history is NOT over, and we Rangers fans need to ensure that the agenda to damage our club is fought at every turn, by whatever means at our disposal.

    This is one fight we cannot lose.

    Last Updated on Friday, 03 August 2012 12:20

    Superb post, even though it made my blood run a little cold!

    A few eyes opened today after that I think!?

  9. Terry hurlock, that man could takle! Met him in the swallows hotel after we beat the sheep 2-0 to win the league, really nice guy, had loads of time to stand and chat. Can just imagine what It would be like if we had him and Ian black centre of our midfield! Lol!

  10. Don't get too stressed out about that wee tosser. Did u see how depressed he looked? That's because any league title he wins over the next few seasons will be tainted! And he knows it! They'll win the league and the only team that will be getting talked about is us!!

  11. i'm fully aware of this problem at grass roots level, but it is worrying if it is reaching all the way up to the coaching staff at Rangers.

    iniesta, xavi, and mess.... what do they average, about 5 foot 5

    they ofcourse are somewhat of an exception, and not to mention play almost an entirely different game, on different surfaces, conditions, under different referees. So i do understand that physically there does have to be requirements - but exceptional talent shouldn't be overlooked if the kid is short.

    Totally agree with your points Ricky, especially the last sentence, which is why it was with great surprise that I watched a kid whom we had scouted, dismissed because of his height/build, to only then be snapped up on a two year deal by Sunderland! And we wonder why we don't produce young talent? Mental!

  12. I have some personal experience of our youth development approach. Once a player of potential is spotted, he is watched on many different occasions, to see how he copes with different conditions, stronger/weaker opposition, what his temperament is like etc, all the stuff you would expect really, only when this player is then recommended to the senior development staff, the first question is ALWAYS how big is he? Height, build etc!! And if he doesn't match up to certain requirement it goes no further! Nevermind that this kid could be the next messi. For us to develop our youth teams properly I would have thought this archaic policy needs changed. The saying if he's good enough, he's big enough doesn't seem to apply at our club unfortunately!

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