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Posts posted by MonkeyJug

  1. At that stage we'd had a couple of bad results, home and away. Paul Le Guen came into the dressing room and said 'don't worry, it'll be all right if we all stick together'.

    "It was about the sixth or seventh time we'd had a difficult result and I'd just had enough."

    It's a bit ironic that he now defends that pish McCoist serves up, saying he needs more time, blah blah blah...

  2. This thread about the same Ally McCoist that has taken Rangers right back to the brink of being ruined? Cos that's the only one I know of, and he deserves every bit of abuse that is about to come his way...

    Sent from a Nexus 5 in Northern Ireland - does that make me less of a fan or does it make me more because I'm only here for the Orange walk today in Londonderry!?!?

  3. That's fucking shite if folk go ahead with this. I'll happily join in singing "Super Ally" to drown out whatever pish others are coming out with. If you want to protest against him, do it outside the ground before the game. Shouting and singing abuse at him in the ground would be low.

    How are ten of you gonna drown out 15000?

  4. Unless there are literally thousands outside Ibrox before or after tomorrow's game then that type of protest will not work. What may have a better impact is a protest during the game or about half time. He has to hear it and see it for himself.

    The club does not have sufficient funds to pay off Ally and his accomplices.

    What if the board probably (most likely) want him out, but need him to walk.

    They are probably praying for a massive protest before/during/after the match where thousands of fans will let McCoist know (with a few choice phrases) that his time is up. They obviously can't broadcast their support for this, but secretly, I bet they are willing it to happen.

    It's up to us, the fans, to save Rangers from this man and our time is Saturday - it MUST happen then otherwise we have missed the wave...

  5. I'm in my 40s and loved Ally...

    I loved it when he scored that goal against Leeds. That hat-rick in the Cup Final. I loved that he was so good-looking and played for Rangers. I loved that he was voted sexiest footballer at Italia '90 and he was also a Rangers player! I loved that he was on AQOS and he was a Rangers legend. I loved all those little things he did that put rangers into people's thoughts and minds.

    But right now, I have nothing but contempt for the man!

  6. He's kinda right, When we were on a 7 or 8 game run of wins or undefeated no one gave the players or the manager the credit they deserved, A loss here and there and fans are on the internet burning their little fingers writing abuse!

    7 or 8 games undefeated against postmen and binmen.

    Quick, someone alert the Queen - put the New Year honour list on hold!!

  7. Did i read that right? Ally actually thinks his job is just to get us back to the Premier League???

    What the fuck are we gonna do when we get there when we need 20 new players and we've no money, no infrastructure and no momentum!?

  8. The man is a shite manager - of that there is no doubt. But the question remains - is HE really that stupid, that he doesn't even realise just how shite he is??

    If he is that stupid, then no, he's not here for the money, cos he actually thinks he's doing a great job, getting us back-to-back promotions. On the other hand, if he isn't stupid, then he's a &£@?!

  9. Sally or Fat Sal is how the taigs address Ally.

    You can see why some think the worst?

    Is there a hidden meaning in that name? (Serious question) other than him being overweight and it rhyming with Ally? Still a funny pic though, and sums up just how clueless he is...

    If I didn't laugh, I'd cry. Besides, I can think of worse things that he gets called by our own fans (and rightly so). The man has become like a cancer on our club...

  10. I honestly can't believe why 53 people still want him here after last night. So now if we get promoted it is still the only cup in scotland that we have not one, after three fucking attempts.

    They don't.

    I think it's safe to assume the majority those 53 votes are from imposters on the wind-up...

  11. If we filled the contact us with messages of ally out in enough numbers, it might get people at the club to take notice.

    Someone just needs to link him to this forum - that's all it takes, then he can see for himself.

    I'd be very, very surprised though if the top-dogs at Ibrox don't spend time reading through this and other rangers forums. It makes sense that you would. Which makes it all the more baffling that Super hasn't already been booted to fuck!

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