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Posts posted by Elite81

  1. Of course he'll be back in a matter of weeks. Maybe not with the website, but you can't be that obsessed with Twitter and Rangers and suddenly give it up.

    He clearly has no friends (unsurprising) and therefore spends all day, every day on Twitter. He worked out if he spewed out his hatred for Rangers then Celtic fans would like and retweet him, and he could pretend they were his friends.

    I remember him once tweeting he was going out for a bit and would be back on Twitter in a few hours, as if the whole Twitter community was waiting for his return. Delusional idiot.

  2. 11 hours ago, Ibroxholm said:

    Extra incentive, as if we need one, for Rangers to get to the Scottish Cup final this season.  Let's see if BBC Scotland have the nerve to boycott their showpiece sports event, or at least one of the sides in it.

    Would love to see us running round Hampden with the cup and our players giving Chic and his cohorts short shrift when they come sidling up for an after match interview.

    They haven't said they're boycotting Rangers games, they said they're boycotting Ibrox.

    So yes, they would show the final, but like you said wouldn't run any interviews on camera.


  3. Even if it's scheduled for a 3pm kick off on a Saturday? Remember live football can't be broadcasted from certain hours. That's why everyone in the UK had to miss 15 minutes of the Classico.

    You do realise the order the teams come out of the hat has no bearing on what day the games get played?

    Expect the Rangers game to be the one televised whoever they get. Possibly even 3pm on a Sunday since the BBC have no other game clashing with it (hearts/Caley last year was only lunchtime because of six nations rugby).

  4. As for scotzine, if your ask them if they're objective they'll tell you they are. Providing evidence that they aren't helps crush their credibility. I'm all for that (tu)

    Them? They?

    Don't let him convince you there's a team of them, it's his site, his personal twitter.

    He advertised on twitter asking if people wanted to create a five-a-side. That would suggest he had no friends in the outside world to ask. Seriously, who would need to go on twitter and ask strangers to help you fill a 5-a-side team? Does he not even have 4 friends?

  5. I am not a snob, but Cardonald? Really?

    Hardly a bastion of journalastic endeavour.

    Actually, I am a snob. I wouldn't be putting that on my CV if my life depended on it.

    He can't put it on his CV - he didn't even manage to complete first year of journalism there so never left with any qualifications.

    Then tried to tell anyone that would listen that he never wanted to be a journalist anyway.

  6. what I took from that article was they miss the intensity if the fixture against us and the edge that gave the fans and players but what they miss more is a competitive team....hardly newsworthy or unreasonable stuff is it?

    Was thinking along the same lines. Was there anything really anti-Rangers in the article? It was a piece about the lack of success Aberdeen have had - not entirely sure it merited the hostile reaction, or any sort of reaction for that matter.

  7. Can I also suggest people e-mail ESPN UK, who have Andrew Muirhead as their Celtic blogger, and suggest they get someone else to represent them (surely there's one out there) rather than that moron. That would hurt Muirhead, who gets paid for that gig and relies on the hits from it coming to his site.

    It must be embarrassing for them though. Rangers columnist is John DC Gow - theirs is Muirhead, a guy who couldn't even pass first year of a college journalism course and can barely construct a sentence. Not much of a comparison.

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