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Uncle Fester

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Posts posted by Uncle Fester

  1. Like it or not this stuff is on the way out! If that mob want to sing about their glorious child murdering hero's that's their business but I am totally offended by it. I can't say the UVF Fuck the Pope stuff is OK as that would be hypocritical. It's all bitter and it's all offensive and should be no more tolerated in our society than Catholic Schools.

  2. Dear Ally,

    We would like to thank you for securing the club and for delivering the SFL3 Championship. It is extremely pleasing to have taken the first step forward on our Journey back to the top.

    It is with respect for your background with this club that we should lay down some clear targets for you to achieve next season if you are to remain as Manager going forward.

    Clearly we must see an improvement in the style of play next year and the club expects to see something like the style of play shown by Barcalona, Swansea and of course our neighbours across the city, Celtic.

    The club expect you to deliver the style of play mainly with the youth players you already have at our disposal. We do not wish to hinder your team building so you may sign any youth (under 18) that you want and we will provide some board and lodgings, and if we can get a training grant a small wage for these players. The club must take great care of future profits and as the youth are cheap that is the model we prefer.

    We know that as a coach you did not get a full pre-season last year but we are fully prepared to fund a trip to the east coast, (I have heard Burntisland is lovely) and after the pre-season you and your coaching staff should have these players zinging passes around with slick one-twos and fully capable of destroying teams in SFL2 next season.

    Additionally, we though we should make our targets clearly measurable so we believe that delivering the league title should be possible without any defeats, and in fact to even draw in this league would reflect badly on you, your staff and the whole infrastructure of the club. Target 1 is "No points Dropped".

    As you will have coached the team through a full pre-season and as we have some ex-SPL players on our books we also feel that you should win the majority of the cup games as well. There was some debate at board level as to wether we should expect you to win all the cups but we do understand that our friends across the city, may prove stiff opposition, and so we will accept not winning the Scottish Cup (although we do expect a final appearence) as long as that final is against our friend we could tolerate a loss, this year. (Next year we expect a clean sweep of every competition we enter).

    I must also reitterate that season ticket sales are down to the style of play so any dip in ticket sales can only reflect badly on you and your coaching staff so please ensure all our fans, get all they want, all of the time - this is imperative to my future wealth.

    As you can see the club are fully behind you and please let me know of any further resources you may require and providing they are at zero cost or lower we shall endeavour to help. (Looking at the season before we took over we did like the Aluko Model of players paying to play for us).

    Please also not that come the January transfer window any player that attracts financial interest from any other team is ligly to be sold so please ensure you have depth of new talent coming through.


    Charles Green

    Your behaving obsessively bud, the manager is not up to it and it's time up.
  3. Thats great viewing mate, thanks. Certainly given me alot to think about, those guys have clearly done their homework.

    Only thing id point out is that its far easier to obtain evidence that your using your television to watch broadcasts if your simply trying to wing it. I mean, how many people nowadays dont watch the TV? How would you explain the sky/virgin contract, or the big tele on the wall that yi can see from the street!

    Great viewing though, as i say.

    None of them can be used for evidence, my nephew has stopped paying and has a Sky contract, but if you don't admit to watching and refuse them their "implied right of access" which is your right they are fucked..Fact!
  4. It's up to the individual. Of course if you're going to have to go without food and heat then it doesn't make sense. Take care of yourself and your family first.

    If people can afford it then I'd hope they see the benefit of hanging in there. For me it feels like my duty to renew. I didn't live through the JG era but I get the feeling it clouds the issue for some now.

    I know how crucial this period in our history is but we can't allow blind loyalty to one man,any man affect our vision for the club I did that through the Grieg ere and called all the supporters that stayed away scabs. I now know this was wrong we just prolonged the agony. All that said I'll be at deaths door before not renewing I'm just letting off steam.
  5. McCoist was told to one single thing this season - only one. Get promotion.

    Now assuming that the braintrust at Hampden don't conspire to stop this, he will have been successful.

    For those who say ST sales will fall if Ally is still there - will YOU be going next season?

    Or was this season just defiance like others have claimed?

    I'll be there for the 29th season.

    It would be wonderful if it was that black and white, I'm disabled through an industrial accident and have been stretched to the limit this season, I really want to renew but it's made much more difficult when you just don't see anything that resembles good coaching or direction at the club, I was one of the supporters that stood firm when thousands deserted (Grieg era) but I can't for the life of me see a manager here. That being the case should I go without heating or food to subsidise what I think is a man who in my opinion will take the club backwards?
  6. I'm not happy about it and it is awful to watch, but I just can't be arsed to sit and read the same four or five people having the same argument over and over again for the next three years. It's already getting tiresome now.

    I'm willing to see how things go this Summer and in the early part of next season before I make a proper judgement, but ultimately I don't think McCoist is going to be the man to manage us in the long term, but with the sheer strength of our resources I he will take us back to the SPL unbroken. Wether that's going to be enough for Green to percivere with him remains to be seen.

    I notice your up in Shetland so I don't suppose it's easy to get to many games bud, but if you had been at the game yesterday you would have heard everybody saying the same thing, that were fucking sick of it and all my mates are determined to be rid of him by the seasons close! If Super loves Rangers he will do the right thing and move aside to let someone with the experience and drive to take us back where we belong.
  7. Every week this thread pops up.

    It's tiresome and this is coming from someone who believes a change in manager is needed.

    Ally will be in charge next season, we just need to deal with it and move on!

    Do we now? Well this season book holder of over 30 years wont be renewing next season, it's game by game as it's the only power I have! McCoist is the worse manager I have ever known, worse than Davie White, John Grieg or Paul Le Guen by fucking miles. Deal with that!
  8. So fucking angry at this Rangers team and management and i dont even get to many games, i cant imagine how ST holders must feel watching this, Ally its not good enough and your amazing performance during admin means there will always be a role at Ibrox for you but it is not the managers job, please move upstairs to the football board with Walter and let a new manager and coaches try to fix this team.

    I can tell you how this season ticket holder is feeling, worn out, pissed off, depressed, powerless, and angry as fuck!!
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