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Posts posted by Rapid6

  1. I sense another witch hunt is getting under way. After the way we were treated in 2012, should we now treat them with the contempt they deserve?

    These cunts must be running short on cash and see us as their best bet in raising / stealing money from.

    Let them ask questions and we can tell them SFA......or very little just to be 'co-operative'. Once bitten twice shy!

  2. Do you really think he's desperately hanging on for a few hundred thousand quid? I think he honestly believes he can still be successful in the role.

    Aye, just like the head of the Iraq army when the US and UK were chapping on their door in 2003. He also made a ridiculous statement about how they were winning just before a scud missile told the world the real story!

  3. It shows idiots like the Easdale's are only interested in keeping Ally happy in return for some reputational clout with their associates. Also, what does Ally know about the internal goings on at Ibrox?

    Maybe they are frightened he may have some beans to spill if he is sacked. A unusual situation for the Easdale's to be in. It's not as if they can give him a couple of grand to stay quiet, being a multi millionaire with such a high profile!

    Looks like the ball is firmly n Ally's court and it's staying there for as log as we fans continue to fund his extraordinary salary!

    *for the record, it is normal practice in business

  4. Rapid6, its the yes losers who should go home.

    My cousin, a YES, posted a video of the beginning of the trouble and the first thing you see is an object being thrown in to the group of unionists.

    I don't understand why this hasn't been reported by the Scottish press...........oh, actually I do!

    Yes campaigners are now calling themselves 45ers............ha ha ha ha

    No matter what the vote, Scotland should unite to work together to make Scotland a success. That was the yes statement before the 18th. Obviously this only applied if the result was Yes. Conspiracy theories galore now!

  5. Obviously none of them live in Glasgow after that constituency voted Yes.

    I hope it was us who swung the vote. Karma for the way Scotland rounded on us. Imagine what it would be like if they did get independence?

    Rule Britannia.

    Ps you lot at George square - gonnae go hame. You are giving the republicans / nationalists a gift!

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