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Posts posted by Brock

  1. all because I refuse to follow a script laid out by somebody who's in a group? doesn't bother me in the slightest what bothers me is that we have a shit load of fan groups saying they speak for everybody when in actual fact they don't.

    andy Kerr doesn't speak for me, jaffcake doesn't speak for me hell bomber brown doesn't speak for me, how the hell would these people know what I'm thinking?

    By joining the group and putting forward you point of view.

  2. Absolute horseshit, they just don't allow themselves to be consumed by it all.

    You having the cheek to label anybody 'uber' :lol:

    If you think being an arrogant bellend and belittling other fans equates to doing the very best for the club then I must thank you for your staunch as fuck efforts and endeavors.

    I'm not being arrogant, as a support we are pushovers due to certain fans being 'consumed' by self interest.

  3. Some guys don't really care about the politics of football, they simply want to see their team play and that's perfectly fine of course. What's disapointing to me though is when people who use message boards and clearly are interested in the political side simply choose to hold vendettas.

    What that really means is 'some guys dont care about Rangers, they just want to be uber fans'.

    I support Rangers and I do whatever is best for the club, the people you speak of are no better than Naismith and Co and certainly dont have the best interests of Rangers at heart.

  4. No Rangers fan group speak for me. If they want to boycott all away grounds. I won't be with them.

    So frustraiting to see people who dont care about the club acting like Ubers.

    As long as you have been to the last x amount of games without missing one then your pals in the pub will be well impressed, who cares about doing whats best for Rangers though eh? :rolleyes:

  5. If Green doesnt back Ally with transfer money after all his talk then that will be the last straw for me. I back Green, but hes worried me recently. He needs to give Ally a good bit to spend as there are some players needing brought in and some needing replaced asap.

    I wouldnt trust McCoist to spend a penny, thankfully more and more are coming round to this opinion and we should hopefully see a proper manager in the dugout by pre-season.

  6. that maybe rather than getting in foreign players, or going for youth or paying spl players extortionate wages to drop down divisions,we should go for tried and tested players who would want to play for the club at this level and would command big wages?

    I'm talking about Marvin Andrews, (although I dunno how those knees are) Peter Macdonald & Jordan Mcmillan players who know what its like playing in lower leagues and would give their all for us? Combine them with the wallaces, mccullochs and templetons and a couple of youngsters and i think we'd be a better sfl side.

    Just a suggestion and the players mentioned were just examples, although all 3 have been on our books, they don't neccesarily have to have played for us.

    Whats the point when they wont be good enough by the time we reach the top?

    This is a golden opportunity to build for the future rather than getting in players who "could do a job and are cheap". For once it would be good if we could look further forward than next season.

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