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Posts posted by Gowser

  1. As much as i still support Barry, Le Guen had to do it, what would you do if you were running a team and oen of them was constantly doing things to undermine you. I just hope Ferguson's got it in him to go back to the team and try win his place back.

    Le Guen had to do it. Tell me why. You obviously have inside information. I claim that he did underestimate the position of captain because of his statement to the press regarding the matter of the captaincy and his explanation of how the French view it. Straight from the horses mouth as they say. Le Guen claims Bazza undermined him. He has not given us an example of this or explained how.


    He knows whats going on & supports PLG.You cant keep dissing managers of Rangers no matter how long you have been there.As I said in an earlier thread, he was the ringleader of the anti dutch brigade during DA's reign, thought(which I agree with)Eck's tactics were shite & the team played crap again & once more he is the cause of dressing room unrest-creating divisions in our great club.I love the guy to bits, but it cant go on

    Speculation, speculation, speculation.

    What's your source oh and as for ringleader against McLeish how can he be the ringleader when he put his career in jeopardy to continue playing for the guy. I also believe the anti-dutch person was Albertz and that was the reason he left.

  3. Think about it.

    He doesn't think much with regards to captains and to him taking it away from Bazza was just a step.

    I really do not think that he expected the reaction that he got from the fans. He must be a beaten man over it. People hate the man.

    Of course he underestimated it. What he seems to forget is that although the role of Captain may not mean much in France he's not in flucking France. If he had perhaps realised this earlier, we may not be so far behind in the league.

  4. My opinion, PLG wants out and doesnt have the stomach to leave a failure. If he is fired he can hold his head up and say that the ignorant scots dont know anything about the great game. Fergie should sit tight and return as the Captain and Murray should appoint a Rangers man at the helm, Davies and Durrant.

    Don't agree with your entire post but my first thought yesterday when I heard the news was "he's looking for a way out".

    He was a respected manager before Rangers so walking out would be a huge blow for his career and a black mark on his CV. I think that Murray should tell him that he will not sell Ferguson and that he will be part of the team (ala Romanov) and if he doesn't like it he knows where the door is. That way, PLG will most likely just walk and save us the money of paying off his contract.

  5. This is all becoming very annoying, fans now arguing with each other about what Barry told people in the media or not. I am a Barry supporter and always will be, he has been our captain for a while now and although we as fans all have our favourites it does surprise me that plg has so many backers when he has been such a poor manager in the last six months.

    Well said. I would put money on that most if not all the PLG supporters have slated him at one time or another and even hinted at his sacking or that he is not the right man for the job after the signings he made and the results we've had.

  6. Peter martin announced on Clyde today that Ferguson had phoned him at 2.30 p.m. yesterday - heard it with my own ears on the way to the game. Fergie told hi9m he was in tears leaving ground.

    Iain King reported in the sun today that ferguson phoned him personally at 2.45 p.m. distraught.

    Given that Chick Young broke the story you can assume that Chick got the call at either 2.15 p.m. or 2.45 p.m.

    Ferguson disgraced the role of captain yesterday with this behaviour

    No. Peter Martin said he was at Murray Park due to a tip-off and seen Barry looking "distraught".

    He may well have spoke to Iain King but can you blame him seeing as the guy wrote his book with him and is someone he can trust.

    And as for Chick, there is not one footballer alive that would talk to Chick Young before anyone else. So don't give us that crap. Chiock said he got it from Ibrox anyway so it couldn't have been Fergie because he wasn't there.

    I think this version of events is more likely

  7. I am afraid Barry has not acted in the best interests of the club or as a Rangers captain should. To drip stories to his friends in the media is unbecoming to say the least.

    Again I ask the question how do you know it was BF who leaked the stories. You just presume it was him. It could well have been anyone working at Murraypark or Ibrox or it could have been a family member. His dad has afterall given an interview about it.

    You cannot say he hasn't acted in the best interests of the club by telling the press unless you can come up with hard evidence to prove it was he who contacted them.

    Afterall, the supporters on here who are not behind BF are the ones shouting that we should have the hard facts before backing him.

  8. Don't know if I believe this but wouldn't be surprised given Boyd's celebration after scoring. I am worried that Boyd may be disciplined for his celebrations though. PLG stated that BF had undermined him and that's why he wasn't playing today. Surely showing support for a player your manager has axed is undermining the managers decision?

  9. I think that not only what he said proved that he has doubts over his future, but also his manner. I thought he seemed very nervous about discussing the whole thing. He may simply have been nervous because of the fans reactions or because he did not have Murray's backing on this. I am more inclined to believe the latter but respect that everyone has their own opinion.

  10. A - Ferguson has been our best player on the field

    B - Since he has been the best player on the field, how could he therefore be ruining PLG's methods and tactics? A lone wolf would not prosper under such conditions.

    C - We are an at best average squad in the SPL...thanks to what? It isn't Ferguson's fault.

    D - PLG underestimated the SPL

    E - PLG Signed duds

    F - PLG does not motivate the squad

    G - When Ferguson tried to motivate the squad, PLG disregarded the importance of a team captain.

    The list can go on. When push comes to shove, Ferguson is not the reason we are in shambles. He plays his guts out. Evidence of that is in the fact that NOT ONE TIME HAS ANYONE EVER SAID THAT BARRY HAS NOT BEEN PLAYING BY THE PLG BOOK PREVIOUS TO THIS EVENT.

    Some good points CR. I think Le Guen has highly underestimated Scottish Football and his signings are questionable, in particular Sebo who looks like an absolute joke. Barry has been one of the few players with any heart, determination and class throughout the season and he should always be in the first team unless injured.

    Bring back Barry!

  11. David Murray has the final decision. This is clear to see.

    'eed eez glear' :lol:

    Danny, funny how no-one replied to this before i did.

    Why? Because its not funny and totally irrelvent.

    Great post Danny

    I think he's suggesting that you are starting to sound like PLG.

    I thought it was quite funny myself. :P

    Hes trying to wind me up, has been all day.

    I cant belevie people can make a decision on the matter without knowing the full facts on the situation. Its unbelievable.

    I also found it quite funny and don't know if he's been trying to wind you up or if it's a case of anyone with a differing opinion from you winds you up.

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