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Posts posted by blunosecol

  1. Live in the states, remember seeing ESPN obsessed with this guy after one USA Mexico game when he just battered the tiny Mexican striker. Wasn't impressed then when he was at the peak of his powers. Maybe he learned some stuff after his move to Europe but from what I remember he's far too aggressive and not clever enough about it to get away with it, especially playing for us with the shite refs we have.

  2. It's linked in the gaming forum, but thought it would get more signatures in here. A bit sad but over seas Fifa is one of the few ways people are exposed to the most successful club in the world. Might not seem important but get it signed and remind them We Are The People!

  3. With having to replace the majority of the team the main worry I have is that we get off to a slow start. If you look at man utd this season with all the talent they brought in they struggled the first half of the season, an only due to De Gea were in a position to make a late push for top 4. The quality of league is different planets but if we get the right players in and they gel quick enough I can see us running the bheasts close all the way and the season after that being favorites

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