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Everything posted by gwhiz

  1. I tend to agree, Until we see who's behind him. Am I right in thinking a Celtic fan was his backer? WTF?
  2. Jig should be captain, he's also a nice guy off the field too. Drinks in my local.
  3. Last night was a missed opportunity. Although I welcome his intentions, he was dire to listen to. Repeating himself, parts of it I couldn't understand what he was saying, he made terrible analogies. I'm sure if he has powerful backers, they would have done a better job of addressing us, I feel today like it was a bit of a damp squib in the end. Although he's a true bluenose, that's all he's got. I hope we get to hear from his backers soon. But he's doing what no-one else has done so far and for that he should be commended.
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