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Posts posted by Albop

  1. so what he never scored tonight was there alot of chances for him too get???

    in ma opintion u should be slatin gavin rae (a cannae get a game)

    boyds the most prolific bloddy scorer we have had in years n yet people

    just wanna bin him , see every 1 off they people need too wake up n look at his scoring tally

    alot will disagree but a think the guys still learnin when he learns alil bit more hes be outstandin

  2. i dont think he wanted to come to rangers if u read his story in the daily record that is what it sounds like to me that he does'nt want to sign for a club he does'nt want to and thats why hes stayin till the end on his contact dunno if use will read it already but it sounds like it too me

  3. hes only paid for 1 player this window , i agree its a good signing but no as good as your making it out as for dipping into his pockets we have sold a few players too cover that plus released players to free wages he needs too dig alot deeper in my opintion

  4. a think its a bit of a joke to tell u the truth if we sell him for 2 mill then replace him way the likes of hartley, hes the only decent player le guen bought and the players were getting linked too are shockin even mc leish could get decent bosmans eg prso boumsong why cant walter do the same

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