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Posts posted by JockWallace

  1. Believe Arsenal are going with Puma next season - Wonder if their kits will fall apart like ours? Same question applies to Dortmund just now.

    Arsne Wengers big coat will be a wee waistcoat after the first half of next season if Puma make it!

    Seriously, I think we need someone better than Puma. I still have an Adidas Rangers shirt from the 90's that is a good as new. I am probably in the minority when I say this but, I wish we would stick to blue, red and white for shirt colours. I don't like seeing us playing in black.

  2. Quite a few people in this thread posting that Hutton at one time looked like a player that had potential.

    Truly, there is so many players we have seen that look like they will be good yet, fall by the way side. I have felt there is something far wrong at Murray Park and with our coaching staff.

    That is why I would love to see a clear out of Ally and the back room. We have great facilities and I feel with good coaches we would see a lot more of our youth make it in the first team.

  3. I still believe Ally should go along with the back room staff. In my opinion Rangers truly need to be cleaned out all the way through the club. We need fresh ideas and a new approach. Ally and his mates want to keep to what they have known for years. I am all for preserving our heritage but, on the footballing front we must move on. I will always hold Ally in high regard for the player he was. I really hope he steps down and doesn't need pushed. It will allow us to give him a good send off. Sadly, I can't see him doing that as he believes he is doing a great job.

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