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Posts posted by orangeloyal

  1. How bad is it that our own fucking manager has to be told who to play, haha.

    Actually, he is no longer our manager as he resigned that post, e doesn't want the responsibility no one has replaced him, so someone has got to tall him what to do. He has got what he wished for, so there can be no complaints.

  2. So why wait until we had lost to a poor scum team to send his 5 rejects,he could have spent 5m in Jan and another 5 in the summer,and we would have been instantly ready .

    Blithering pish!

    Ashley is a minority shareholder and a creditor, so why the fuck would he want to to? King , the so called Rangers man who desires to control all has given us exactly what? Oh that's right, fuck all!

    Have a word FFS.

  3. I find that impossible to believe, especially after everything the club has been through. To use the example of FollowFollow, a lot of their posters gave up their season tickets and it wasn't because of the shite football, it was because of the current board being incompetent and untrustworthy.

    We've played shite football for a number of seasons now and we still had 35,000 odd ST holders so that doesn't stack up.

    It was actually previous board members who raped us, so that doesn't stack up!

  4. Who exactly should be wearing the jersey then?

    That's the problem. Maybe one of these NUFC youths, I don't know, but to have a central defender who is an absolute shitebag, can't run, can't jump, doesn't take responsibility and tries his best to hide, just defies all logic. I'd rather put in a bombscare who at least has a pair.
  5. Why is it that if a Hertz fan attacks Lennon, or a Rangers fan assaults someone, neither of which had religious or political connotations is a sectarian attack, but a bunch of republicans kick fuck out of a guy while shouting "ya orange bastard" isnt deemed sectarian? Why? Because we live in a sectarian country where we are treated like the scum of the Earth for doing nothing more than being proud of our heritage or we support a football team.

    Why is it these days being proud of your history is treated like a crime while condemning your nations history, condemning the fact that we fought Hitler and the Nazis, condemning the fact that our people have sacrificed their lives time and time again for our freedom is now seen as some sort of act of bravery, like standing up to the corrupt establishment? The actions of the plastic oppressed in this country completely devalues the struggle of people on Earth who are actually oppressed.

    I am proud of Britain and always will be, our forefathers fought to defend those unable to defend themselves, they fought for the freedom of their people, they went into battle with their heads held high knowing their cause was just. While the forefathers of the vhermin in this country bowed their heads then stabbed their enemy in the back like cowards. I know which of those is deserving of praise.

    We are in a 5 to 1 majority and we are dictated by the bigoted minority. We are doing something drastically wrong!

  6. Chances are the 5 players will be on a par with what we already have at the very worst.

    Hopefully Kenny drops the dross and gets these guys in ASAP because we badly need to freshen up and change the way we go about games. The worry is Kenny will stick with his tried and tested players and shun the others as some sort of Fuck you to the board...its not like he wants to be here anyway!

    Fingers crossed it works out.

    First thing Kenny needs to do is drop himself. Hopefully the rumour of a Newcastle coach arriving is true and he might even get us playing football!

  7. I strongly urge all fans not to post anything positive on the NUFC player loans deals, for fear that these players are better than what we have currently got, in that they train more than one hour per day, can accurately pass a ball more than 3 feet, can run faster than a one legged man, have a spine and help turn around our turgid performances and might even help us win promotion and won't have cost the club a penny in doing so. These sorts are just not welcome at Ibrox.

    Anyone even thinking about posting positivity on anyone other than King, please sellf harm with 50 lashes. You can pick up your razor tipped whips from all FF and jesuit outlets at bargain prices.

  8. Another despicable attack. Walking with his son. These scum know no bounds, just spineless malcontent low life.

    As we continue on our journey, i can see this getting worse. They are seething that our club is not dead and irrespective of who wins the baordroom battle, to them it will equal more money to knock them of their perch, by a dead club of course and no matter how many times they say it, they just cannot make it come true. They are just foaming at the the minute, what will it be like as we make our final push to topple them, and with the team they have, it wont be so difficult and they know it.

  9. The whole fucking country is appeasing this scum, including some of our own!

    Maybe the club/players could do a gesture for the wee man.

    Fucking shocking incident.

    When i think about it, if the boot was on the other foot, the scum would have the whole squad at his bedside, surrounded with mhedia, telling the whole world just how bad we were and how they are saints!

  10. The thing is, the sectarian songs are deemed illegal because supposedly they can cause public disorder, but maybe its just me,but id say bottling a child is more likely to cause a riot than singing a fucking song is.

    just making it easier for polis to not do their job, why investigate a wee h** bastard getting assaulted when you could lift a big h** bastard for singing TBB in half the time then be back at the station having a cuppa faster than you can say a hail mary

    The thing is, the sectarian songs are deemed illegal because supposedly they can cause public disorder, but maybe its just me,but id say bottling a child is more likely to cause a riot than singing a fucking song is.

    just making it easier for polis to not do their job, why investigate a wee h** bastard getting assaulted when you could lift a big h** bastard for singing TBB in half the time then be back at the station having a cuppa faster than you can say a hail mary


    Sad. If i was the boy's dad, I wouldnt be doing prisoners. Not everyone is like me though, but i have no time for plod these days,articularly when it comes to protecting us. Too busy appeasing them. We are the big bad guys remember.

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